DarkSPHERE low mass Dark Matter Experiment

DarkSPHERE is a new experiment in the UK that aims to elucidate the nature of dark matter (DM) by designing, constructing, and operating a state-of-the-art DM detection experiment at the Boulby Underground Laboratory. DarkSPHERE will be a 1.4-meter diameter spherical proportional counter, which offers several key advantages, including low energy detection thresholds, scalability, and the flexibility to use different target gases. This novel gaseous detector will be made of copper, fully electroformed underground at Boulby to achieve unprecedented radiopurity. The detector will be coupled with a high-purity water-based shield to suppress environmental and cosmogenic background contributions.

DarkSPHERE is anticipated to achieve world-leading sensitivity for low-mass DM, probing spin-independent and spin-dependent interactions, as well as DM-electron interactions. The PhD candidate will work on the construction and characterisation of the veto detector as well as the analysis of the scientific data.

To apply for a PhD position within our Particle Physics research group please contact the Particle Physics PhD Admissions director Professor Neil McCauley and also make a formal online application (here) to the University of Liverpool.

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