Computing Facilities
Liverpool's HEP group has excellent computing infrastructure in place to support its work. Core research systems are housed in our newly refurbished, air conditioned data centre in the Oliver Lodge Laboratory.
The primary computing requirements for the group are served by a distributed system of managed desktop PCs and laptops, supported by over 500TB of high performance RAID storage. A local Tier-3 computer and storage cluster is used for both interactive analysis and batch processing, with 60TFlops of GPU accelerators. All research systems run industry-standard Centos Linux, with a large collection of customised scientific computing software suites and collaborative development tools.
Research systems are networked with 10Gigabit connections using a mesh of Force10 switches. The department has dedicated high-availability and high throughput network links to the rest of the University and other institutions.
Liverpool is a member of the UK GridPP project as a Tier-2 supporting computing and data storage for the STFC research programme. The Liverpool Tier-2 cluster provides approximately 2750 job slots and 1000TB of RAID storage for data analysis, simulations and modelling. The resources are available for a wide variety of users in physical and life sciences worldwide via the Grid.