All job vacancies in the UK must be advertised by law. Most universities, including Liverpool, use the website
The University’s own website for advertising vacancies is
Whenever vacancies are advertised, there will be a free and open competition for the positions. We always want to encourage the best applicants. To make an application you must apply to the University by the formal mechanisms indicated in the links from the job advertisement. Please note that if no vacancy is advertised, then there is no vacancy available at the present time.
PhD Studentships
The nuclear physics group has a thriving postgraduate group of 30 PhD students supervised by 11 academic members of staff. We offer PhD projects ranging from the study of exotic nuclei to applied nuclear physics. Usually this research is carried out in collaboration with physicists from other UK Universities and from Europe and/or North America, with many experiments in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and Japan. Some of our research is co-funded by industrial partners.
PhD projects are available in the following areas of research, which aim to enhance our fundamental understanding of the laws of physics by driving it to the extremes:
- Collective behaviour of exotic nuclei
- Exploring the limits of nuclear existence for heavy proton-rich nuclei
- Ground and isomeric state properties by laser spectroscopy
- Shell Structure and Deformation at Ultrahigh Spin in Nuclei
- Structure of Superheavy Nuclei
- Thermodynamics of Strongly Interacting Matter.
PhD projects are also available in developing techniques for gamma-ray spectroscopy and imaging in the following applied nuclear physics fields:
How to apply for a PhD
Any student interested in a PhD studentship in the nuclear physics group should contact our postgraduate studies director, Dr Eddie Paul and also make a formal application to the University of Liverpool using the online application form. On your form, please indicate that you are interested in a PhD position in the area of nuclear physics. If you are interested in a specific research area we recommend that you contact one of the members of staff listed for that area, in addition to specifying it within your application. If your application is shortlisted, you may be invited to interview before a final decision is made.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their formal application as soon as possible.
We offer fully-funded STFC studentships, Graduate Teaching Assistant PhD positions as well as a number of studentships co-funded by industry.
We also welcome and support prospective students who are either able to self-funds their PhD studies of are planning for or have already secured a funded PhD scholarship. More information about the level of funding needed to self fund is available here.
English language requirement
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide an IELTS (or equivalent) test score to demonstrate their proficiency in English. See here for full details.
Opportunities for undergraduate physics students registered at the University of Liverpool are available for those who wish to undertake placements in the field of nuclear physics. These placements offer the opportunity to experience the research environment, either in a university, laboratory or a commercial company and will be advertised here as and when they are available.
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