
Improvement of the performance of BEGe germanium detectors using pulse shape analysis
A.J. Boston, H.C. Boston, L.J. Harkness-Brennan, D.S. Judson, P.J. Nolan
This project brings together the internationally leading expertise of the University of Liverpool Nuclear Physics group, with the world’s largest germanium detector supplier, Canberra.

Low-Background Environmental Measurements (SAGe)
P. Appleby, A.J. Boston, H.C. Boston, L.J. Harkness-Brennan, D.S. Judson, P.J. Nolan
The aim of this new project is to reduce counting times and significantly simplify user operation of high efficiency “well” type detector systems for measurements of environmental radioactivity.

Environmental Compton Camera Development: Imaging Radionuclide Transport in Soils and Geomaterials
J. Dormand1, A.J. Boston1, J. Bridge1, M. Bankhead2, Y. Onda3
1 University of Liverpool
3 University of Tsukuba
The NERC project aims to apply the improvements in sensitivity, energy range and field-of-view offered by the Compton camera to improve the detection and quantification of gamma radioactivity in environmental samples.