heazlewood group together
Dr Brianna Heazlewood

Group leader - Professor Brianna Heazlewood

Email: b.r.heazlewood@liverpool.ac.uk

Oliver Lodge
Oxford Street
Liverpool, UK
L69 7ZE

Postdoctoral research associates

Dr Vincent Richardson

Dr Maksymilian Roman

Graduate students (PhD)

Jake Diprose

Paul Regan

Lucy Morris

Kyriaki Vourka

MPhys/MChem/MSc/BSc students

Rahab Gardner

Emilio Tolentino

Current collaborators

Dr Michal Hejduk, Charles University Prague

Professor Heather Lewandowski, JILA/University of Colorado

Associate Professor Jérôme Loreau, KU Leuven

Professor Ken McKendrick, Heriot-Watt University

Dr Rahul Pandey, UKRI

Professor Tim Softley, University of Birmingham

Dr Jutta Toscano, University of Basel

Dr Andriana Tsikritea, TU Dortmund

Dr Kathy (Lok Yiu) Wu, University of Birmingham


Combined Zeeman decelerator, guide and ion-trap set-up

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