Physics for schools and others

We want to share the excitement of Physics far and wide, so we have created a range of material and events for schools, students and anyone who would like to know more.

For schools

The Physics Outreach Group run a wide range of activities for schools.

Events can be organised both on here on campus in the Central Teaching Laboratories and in your school.

Most of our activities are interactive workshops designed for one class group and based on National Curriculum Topics. We also have events suitable for larger audiences including our very popular interactive lecture using liquid nitrogen 'Science is Cool', and group activities such as the 'Science Olympics' and 'Pass the Galactic Parcel', catering to different age ranges.

Nuclear Science Workshops and Summer School

With support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council the Physics Outreach Group were able to create and take two nuclear science workshops out to local schools. As part of the workshops, we take radiation detectors into the classroom and allow pupils the opportunity to investigate and work with the equipment themselves.

We’ve currently reached over 300 year 10 pupils and the workshops are now part of our programme. Workshop slides, created with the help of our students, are available here.

We were able to invite pupils who had participated in the workshops to a short summer school in July 2015. Here they were able to use the facilities in the Central Teaching Laboratories to find out about nuclear science, particle physics and accelerators.

Students also made a set of teacher’s resources about nuclear science that can be downloaded here.

Posters linked to key GCSE learning outcomes can be downloaded below.

Liverpool Physics Olympics

Our popular event runs in October each year for A-level pupils competing in teams of 4. This full day event requires team work, problem solving and maybe just a little physics!