2017 STFC UK Postgraduate Nuclear Physics Summer School

The STFC UK Postgraduate Nuclear Physics Summer School took place at Queen’s University Belfast, 21st August-2nd September. It was co-organised by Laura Harkness-Brennan, University of Liverpool and Dr Arnau Rios, University of Surrey. There were 50 students from nuclear physics research groups across the UK and Europe, including a record cohort of 16 University of Liverpool PhD students. The topics were selected to reflect and support the UK nuclear physics programme in theoretical, experimental and applied nuclear physics. Topics therefore included gamma ray spectroscopy, hadron physics, nuclear astrophysics, applications of nuclear physics, nuclear theory and public engagement. Our own Bradley Cheal delivered an excellent set of lectures on laser spectroscopy.
All students gave short talks on their own research. The best talk by a 1st year PhD student was awarded to Ryan Llewellyn, a University of Liverpool physics graduate who studying at the University of York. The best talk for a 2nd year PhD student was awarded to Lucy McAreavey, of the Liverpool nuclear physics group. The winners chosen by the school tutors received a prize sponsored by the IOP Nuclear Physics Group. The winners will also deliver talks at the 2018 IOP Nuclear Physics Conference.

Image: Winner of Best 1st year PhD student talk, Ryan Llewellyn (Centre), with the School Tutors
The school was funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and additional financial support was obtained from the IoP Nuclear Physics and Mathematical & Theoretical Physics Groups, as well as Mirion Technologies.