IOP Science Ambassador Training Day

On 20th June the Institute of Physics hosted an event in the Central Teaching Laboratories. Supported by the CTL team and the Physics Outreach Group undergraduate team, 50 students from 5 schools across Merseyside were trained as Science Ambassadors.
Image: Ambassadors demonstrate UV reactive beads.
Students worked in mixed-school groups to learn how to deliver a range of science demonstrations, as well as taking part in a presentation skills session.
Each group had the opportunity to present a demonstration and receive constructive feedback from teachers and professional science communicators all the time with ‘Mentors’ from our experienced POG undergraduates.
Image: Ambassadors demonstrate film canister rockets.
These excellent Science Ambassadors hope to use these ‘soft’ skills and new knowledge to help their schools with open days/evenings, primary school visits and possibly University of Liverpool events such as the ‘Science Jamboree’.
Image: Ambassadors demonstrate balloon rockets with Mentor support of Alice Rhind-Tutt POG undergraduate.
Staff and students had an excellent and enjoyable day exploring a variety of science experiments and demonstrations.
Image: Ambassadors demonstrate water absorbent substances with Mentor support from Bethany Davies POG Undergraduate.
Image: Demonstrating the effect of a vacuum on different objects like marshmallows.
For further information on similar events contact Claire Aspinall, Gender Balance Officer for the Institute of Physics.