Ogden Schools Physicist of the Year Awards (SPOTY)

On the evening of 21st June the Sarah Annand, Ogden Science Officer & Isaac Physics Fellow hosted the annual Ogden Schools Physicist of the Year Awards (SPOTY) in the Central Teaching Laboratories.
The event celebrates the achievement of year 12 physics students from schools across Merseyside. Students are nominated by their teachers for their hard work and achievements over the last academic year.
They are then invited to attend the event with their teachers and parents to celebrate their achievements while enjoying an evening buffet including Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream prepared by our Physics Outreach Group (POG) undergraduates and a physics lecture delivered by an academic researcher before officially receiving their award.
This year’s event had 8 nominees from a variety of schools. They were delivered an inspirational talk by Barbara Grundy, Ogden Trust Consultant, followed by a ‘mind blowing’ Relativity lecture delivered by Dr Barry King.

Dr Barry King delivers a ‘Mind Blowing’ Relativity Lecture to guests. Image courtesy of AB Photography.
Nominated students may be eligible for an Ogden Scholarship if they pursue Physics at university.
Sarah Annand said about this year’s event, “I hope that these exceptional students found the evening rewarding. The pride in their parents and teachers seeing the recognition these students deserve and experiencing some of the high level Physics that their own children are learning was clear and abundant.
These young Physicists are our future and will surely make a difference to the world throughout their own individual journey, it was a pleasure to meet them all and I hope we are lucky enough to see them here at Liverpool in a couple of years!”