Postgraduate student presents research at the Houses of Parliament

Kevin Tree, a PhD student from the University of Liverpool Physics Department presented a poster on his thesis research at the STEM for Britain 2017 exhibition at the Houses of Parliament, London on 13th March 2017. Kevin is a student of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training - Next Generation Nuclear (Nuclear Fission), which aims to develop future research leaders to support the UK’s strategic nuclear programmes. His poster reported on the development of algorithms for Non-Destructive Assay of Radioactive Waste.
30 early career researchers from the Physics community were selected to attend the STEM for Britain 2017 event from an entry of several hundred applicants. Those selected were asked to present a poster depicting their research to an audience of MP’s and members of the scientific community. During the exhibition, as well as many MP’s, a panel of judges from the academic community visited some of the posters. The judges gave the presenters an opportunity to explain their work at a level suitable for an interested layperson. Such was the interest in Kevin’s research several MP’s and members of the scientific community and the entire judging panel paid a visit his poster to find out more. The STEM for Britain 2017 event was sponsored by Stephen Metcalfe MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee.