Research is International - Placement experience of a Liverpool researcher

International collaboration is key for cutting edge research. The department has strong links to universities, research centres and industry partners from around the world. Ms Lucy McAreavy, a PhD student in our nuclear physics cluster, received funding from the Liverpool Doctoral College and eV Products to undertake a 3 week placement at their facility in Pittsburgh, USA. As you can read below this has been a fantastic experience for her and is one example of the things that make PhD studies in Liverpool so special.
"On the 15th January 2017 I travelled to Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh for a 3-week industrial placement at eV Products (Kromek USA). eV Products is a world-leader in solid-state detector technology, and develops and manufactures solid-state room temperature x-ray and gamma-ray detectors. eV Products is the industrial partner for the PhD I am undertaking, which involves using a cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) gamma-ray detector to image the thyroid during molecular radiotherapy, and quantify the radiation dose delivered to the patient. The main focus of the placement was completing a set of quality assurance (QA) tests using NEMA standards on a current eV CZT detector. NEMA tests are the benchmark for commercial systems, and gaining experience in these tests will aid in comparing the system I am working on to commercial standards in the future. The tests included intrinsic energy resolution, spatial resolution and flood field uniformity, and system spatial resolution with and without scatter. The placement at eV gave me an insight into the manufacture and production of CZT detector technology, alongside the workings of a commercial company. It also enabled me to develop my research skills, better appreciate the potential clinical and commercial impact of my research, and grow my professional network by engaging with industry experts. The financial contributions from the Liverpool Doctoral College placement scheme and eV Products made this placement possible."