Research paper featured on the front cover of Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Research arising from an international collaboration, led by Vincent Richardson, has been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. The collaboration involved three CMP members—Luke Alcock (as part of his 3rd year BSc project), Brianna Heazlewood, and Vincent Richardson—in addition to team members based at the J Heyrovsky Institute for Physical Chemistry, Stockholm University, Université Paris-Saclay, and University of Trento.
The paper reporting the findings, “Experimental Characterization of the Isomer-Selective Generation of the Astrochemically Relevant Hydroxymethylene Radical Cation (HCOH•+/DCOH•+)”, was featured on the front cover of J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (Volume 15, Issue 43). The cover artwork was created by another CMP group member, Lucy Morris. Research was conducted at the SOLIEL synchrotron and provides the first experimental characterization of the isomeric purity of HCOH●+ and DCOH●+ ions, generated by different dissociative photoionization methods. The measurements lay the groundwork for future reactivity and spectroscopy studies involving the astrochemically relevant hydroxymethylene ion.