New LHCb-UK Spokesperson

Professor Tara Shears, Liverpool LHCb group lead, was recently elected as the next LHCb-UK spokesperson. She joined LHCb in 2004 and has worked on a wide range of physics analyses. These include landmark searches and measurements of Charge-Parity violation in bound quark states, which determine the strong forces contribution to the matter anti-matter asymmetry of the observed universe. She founded the electroweak physics group at LHCb and co-led the LHCb and LHC-wide working groups in the area, testing lepton universality and making precise measurements of the Z and W bosons, maximising the physics output of LHCb. These measurements constrain the uncertainties that would otherwise limit the electroweak measurement from the other LHC collider experiments. Liverpool is one of eleven institutes in the UK on LHCb, and the UK is the largest contributing nation on the experiment. Her two year term as LHCb UK spokesperson starts on September 1st. This period of time promises to be fascinating with high quality Run 3 data (made even higher quality with the Liverpool-assembled VELO particle detector) to collect and analyse and a programme of future state of the art detector and computing upgrades to enable LHCb operation for the full Large Hadron Collider lifetime.