SOLEIL beamtime measurements by CMP members

Two members of the Condensed Matter Physics cluster, postdoctoral research associate Dr Vincent Richardson and 3rd year student Luke Alcock (supervised by Vincent and Prof Brianna Heazlewood), recently conducted measurements at the SOLEIL synchrotron near Paris.
The University of Liverpool led the project, working alongside collaborators based at Université Paris-Saclay, the University of Stockholm, and the University of Trento.
The team performed measurements on astrochemically important ions, including H2CO+ and CDOH+, using a tuneable vacuum ultraviolet beamline in combination with a tandem mass spectrometer—in addition to undertaking reactivity studies on a range of hydrocarbons relevant to the interstellar medium.
The research forms part of Luke’s 3rd year BSc project, and yielded lots of exciting results for the team to analyse.