Nuclear Physics Consolidated Grant success

The Nuclear Physics group has been awarded just shy of £4 M for the Consolidated Grant period from October 2024 for three years. The grant is a consortium grant between Liverpool, Daresbury and Derby and covers all areas of nuclear physics ranging from the structure of bound and unbound states in exotic nuclear systems to an understanding of the phase equilibria and dynamics of hadronic matter in terms of Quantum Chromodynamics.
All three science themes were highly rated and are looking forward to continuing their agenda setting experimental activities at CERN, Jyväskylä, FAIR, Legnaro and other international facilities. The instrument development capabilities within the group form the basis of the successful exploitation programmes.
A few highlights: We further push our studies of the evolution of collective behaviour in nuclei, including study of octupole deformation of relevance to e.g. atomic electric dipole moment searches and CP violation studies. These programmes build on the work invested into ISOLDE@CERN and flagship instruments like AGATA. We continue to push the limits studying ground and isomeric state properties across the nuclear chart, including superheavy nuclei, with a variety of experimental techniques and probes. We explore the exotic new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, through heavy-flavour tagging of jets exploiting ALICE@LHC.
The Cross Community Staff that supports current and future projects with engineering, design, and software effort is located mainly within this consortium and provides an essential resource for the whole community. We are therefore especially pleased that the current staffing levels underpinning the unique Liverpool/Daresbury position in the UK Nuclear Physics Landscape remain fully supported.