Second cohort of LIV.INNO students start their PhDs

The second cohort of LIV.INNO students have started studying for their PhDs at the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. Another eleven students from across the world have come to Liverpool to study a wide range of topics which have Data Intensive Science at the core of them. While some of the students will remain in Liverpool for the duration of their studies others will spend time at other institutions such as CERN and Fermilab.
The students are about to commence their training in data science as well as subjects relevant to their projects such as accelerator physics, particle physics, astrophysics and nuclear physics. As well as continuing their studies in these subjects the students will receive training in research skills and techniques, project management, networking, communication and presentation skills, with the aim to provide all students with the skill set required for a future career in academia or industry.
Each student is also required to undertake a six-month industrial placement as part of their PhD. This gives them the opportunity to apply their data science skills to real world challenges while gaining knowledge and experience working outside academia.
The projects the new students are working on are from across the three LIV.INNO work packages. The projects range from studies at Fermilab and CERN to modelling the effect of black holes on their host galaxies to studies of phenomena at the boundary of our current knowledge of particle physics. More information about the students and their projects can be found here.
We wish all the students well in their studies!