EPSRC visits the XMaS beamline at the ESRF in Grenoble

The XMaS beamline which, based at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France has been operational at the ESRF for over 25 years and is currently funded as an EPSRC National Research Facility (NRF). It offers a combination of techniques from X-ray diffraction to small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray spectroscopy for the study of materials (https://www.ukri.org/about-us/how-we-are-doing/research-outcomes-and-impact/epsrc/seeing-is-believing-at-the-x-ray-materials-scattering-facility/). The project is run jointly by the Physics Departments at the University of Liverpool and the University of Warwick and provides access for UK material scientists to the ESRF. In July the facility was visited by two representatives of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Dr Kay Yeung, Senior Portfolio Manager in Research Infrastructure and Dr Leila Behrooz, Senior Portfolio Manager in Physical Sciences and Advanced Materials. Kay and Leila were given a full tour both of the XMaS beamline and the ESRF itself by the project directors, Prof. Chris Lucas and Dr Yvonne Gründer (from Liverpool) and Prof. Tom Hase (University of Warwick). They left with a fantastic understanding of the important role that the XMaS facility plays as part of the UK scientific infrastructure in synchrotron radiation research.
The next deadline for submission of proposals to use the XMaS beamline is 1st October 2023. If you are interested in using the facility and require further information, please contact one of the Liverpool directors of the project, Prof. Chris Lucas (clucas@liverpool.ac.uk) or Dr. Yvonne Gründer (Yvonne.grunder@liverpool.ac.uk).
Top: Prof. Chris Lucas explains to Kay and Leila the workings of the 13-circle diffractometer that lies at the heart of the XMaS instrument.
Bottom: From left to right, Prof Chris Lucas and Dr Yvonne Gründer (Liverpool), Dr Kay Yeung (EPSRC), Prof. Tom Hase (Warwick), Dr Leila Behrooz (EPSRC) and Dr Edgar Gutierrez Fernandez (XMaS).