g-2 Experiment Poised for New Result

The g-2 collaboration meeting was held at Liverpool at the end of July, where the data from the latest measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon was unblinded. The result will be made public on August 10th, at a special seminar held at Fermilab, and available world-wide.
The data is blinded by altering the frequency that the internal firmware clock runs at by an amount that is unknown to all of the collaboration. On Monday the 24th of July, the collaboration met at the Spine in Liverpool, and unanimously voted to ‘unblind’. The latest result includes all of the data taken during runs 2 and 3, which is from 2018-2020, and is approximately a factor of 4 times more data than was used for the measurement in April 2021, which itself was the most precise ever made. This new data has allowed for the precision of the measurement to be increased by a factor of 2.
Figure 1: The g-2 Collaboration voting to unblind the data in Liverpool.
The meeting itself was attended by collaborators from all over the world, and took place at the Spine, in Paddington Village, and the Liverpool Medical Institute. Thanks to Angie Reid, Hannah Melia and Julie Clarke for their wonderful organization skills! We have had great feedback already from the collaboration about the event, and Liverpool in general.