Holly Tann awarded dual Liverpool-Jyväskylä PhD
Holly Tann, a Nuclear Physics postgraduate student, has completed the public defence of her dual Liverpool-Jyväskylä PhD thesis on the deformed proton emitter Eu-131 in Finland. Holly successfully completed her Liverpool viva in November 2022.
Holly’s thesis reports the observation of excited states in the rare-earth nuclide Eu-131, which has one of the largest ground-state deformations on the nuclear chart. The measured properties of excited states provide stringent constraints on how dynamic effects influence nuclear wavefunctions in proton-emitting nuclei.
The viva at Jyvaskyla is a public defence and involved presentations by Holly and the opponent, Dr Martin Venhart from the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The presentations and defence went well and Holly was recommended for the award of her doctorate.
Holly has set up a non-profit company – Casus Pax - dedicated to providing medical and humanitarian aid to the areas worst affected by the war in Ukraine. You can learn more about her work and make donations through the website https://casuspax.org.
Congratulations to Dr Holly Tann and her supervisors, Prof David Joss, Prof Juha Uusitalo, Prof Robert Page and Prof Paul Greenlees.