
26th January saw the department’s first festival of PhD research, PhDFest.
PhDFest invites students from all four research clusters to come together to share outcomes from their work and take part in a day full of activities.
All participants set an incredibly high standard for the presentations, but a judging panel made up of staff and students awarded the Best of Second Year Presentation and Best Years Three and Four to Oliver Stringer and Adam Tarrant. Congratulations!
Presenter Tom Gallagher described PhD fest as a “brilliant coming together of all the PGR research at Liverpool.” Also stating that it was “great to present work in a more general manner, and learn so much about disciplines so close, yet so unique to my own.”
We would like to thank all students who participated and helped to make such a fun and interesting day, and we would like to especially thank the hard work of Beth Slater, Tom Gallagher, Owain Griffith and Oliver Barker who were key in organising this wonderful event.