Article featured on the front cover of ACS Physical Chemistry Au

A project led by postdoc Dr Andriana Tsikritea and PhD student Jake Diprose (alongside group leader Dr Brianna Heazlewood) in the Condensed Matter Physics cluster has been featured on the front cover of ACS Physical Chemistry Au.
The manuscript, entitled “Charge transfer reactions between water isotopologues and Kr+ ions”, presents the first detailed study of these processes under controlled conditions.
Ion–molecule reaction systems are known to be important in the interstellar medium and the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. Yet, there is limited experimental data on the reactivity of these species under relevant (low-temperature) conditions, especially when considering deuterated isotopologues. This study investigates reactions between cold krypton ions and room-temperature water, employing two isotopologues of the latter (fully hydrogenated and fully deuterated water). The reactions are undertaken under ultra-high vacuum conditions within the cold and controlled environment of a linear Paul ion trap. Experimental findings are detailed along with theoretical calculations, confirming that the reactions are in agreement with models frequently used in astrochemical databases.
Find out more:
A. Tsikritea, et al., “Charge Transfer Reactions between Water Isotopologues and Kr+ ions”, ACS Phys. Chem Au 2, 199 (2022).