Annual IoP Particle Physics meeting

The first in-person pandemic IoP meeting of the UK Particle Physics and Astro-Particle Physics communities took place at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at the start of April. Several students and staff attended and presented their research work through poster presentations (S Hughes, L Cavanagh, M Cox, J Dasari, H Throssell), parallel session talks (L Hawkins, J Smith, YJ Schnellbach) and one plenary talk (N Rompotis). Tara Shears, as the chair of STFC’s Science Board, gave a talk in the STFC Town meeting – a session traditionally attached to the IoP meeting to inform the community about the latest news from our funding agency.
Liverpool particle physics group members picture at the conference.
As has been customary for many years the conference is preceded by the Bubble Chamber Tournament, won many times by Liverpool in previous years. This year’s Liverpool team was captained by Adam Ruby. Despite an early convincing win against Bristol with 5-0, Liverpool did not reach the finals this time around.
The Bubble chamber Liverpool team composed of current PhD students: Rebecca Irwin, Henry Throssell, Adam Ruby, Sean Hughes, our postdoc Elertas Gedminas and three former Liverpool students.
Two Liverpool students impressed with their posters, both making it to runner-up for the conference’s best poster prize. Congratulations to Sean and Lottie!
Left to right: Lottie Cavanagh and Sean Hughes