LINAC 2022 Conference in Liverpool announced

The 31st Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC) is coming to Liverpool this summer. The conference, hosted jointly by UKRI-STFC, the John Adams Institute and the Cockcroft Institute, will take place at the Liverpool Arena and Convention Centre (ACC) between 28 August and 2 September 2022.
LINAC is the main bi-yearly gathering for the worldwide community of linear accelerator experts. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linacs and their applications.
Following a long and successful tradition, LINAC 2022 will feature invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions and an industry exhibition. An exciting scientific programme will be complemented by social events that promote informal knowledge exchange. Currently, the focus is on a full in-person conference, although remote participation will be offered, limited to selected talks.
Participants will also have the opportunity to come to Daresbury Laboratory to see the new CLARA FEL test accelerator, the SRF facilities providing accelerating cavities for the European Spallation Neutron source in Sweden, accelerating cryomodules for the PIP-II project in the US, and crab cryomodules for the HL-LHC upgrade.
Abstract submission is open until 1st April, 2022, via JACoW Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS) and a guide for abstract submission can be found here.
LINAC encourages in particular students and underrepresented communities to participate and a number of scholarships for students will be offered.
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