FASER first physics result and new coordination role

The FASER Collaboration has just published its first physics result in Physics Review D reporting the detection of the first-ever neutrino candidates produced by the LHC. Using a demonstrator of the FASERnu sub-detector in the 2018 pilot run, 6 neutrino candidates have been observed, opening up a brand-new field, namely neutrino physics at colliders.
FASER will start operation in 2022 when the LHC will resume operation for its Run 3. The Liverpool team, including Prof. Monica D'Onofrio, Dr Carl Gwilliam and PhD student Charlotte Cavanagh, are working hard towards the beginning of data-taking, with pivotal contributions in software development and detector calibration.
Owing to his experience in searches for new physics and expertise in data analyses, Dr Carl Gwilliam has been appointed as first FASER Physics Coordinator. The FASER Physics Coordination team (counting two other members of the collaboration) will steer the physics analyses and data-preparation activities of the collaboration, counting around 76 members from 21 institutes, in its first years of operation.
The new paper can be found at the following location: