Prof. Ron Lifshitz – Leverhulme Visiting Professor 2021

Professor Ron Lifshitz will visit The Department of Physics for a sabbatical period of 6 months in the spring and summer of 2021, on sabbatical leave from Tel Aviv University. He will follow this up with two shorter visits of approximately one month each in 2022. He will also be giving seminars and Leverhulme Lectures, and meeting other UK academics during his stay.
Prof. Lifshitz earned his Ph.D. in Physics at Cornell University in 1995 under the mentorship of Prof. David Mermin. He was then a Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology until 1999, after which he joined the School of Physics & Astronomy at Tel Aviv University, where he teaches and conducts theoretical research in the fields of quasicrystals, nanomechanical systems and nonlinear dynamics.
Prof. Lifshitz has held visiting faculty appointments at Caltech, the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics and the University of Stuttgart, as well as the National Taipei University of Technology. He is past Chair of the Commission on Aperiodic Crystals of the International Union of Crystallography, is current Chair of the Advisory Board of the International Conferences on Quasicrystals. Until recently, Lifshitz chaired the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at Tel Aviv University. He is the recipient of the Olschwang Prize in Physics of the Israel Science Foundation, and the Jean-Marie Dubois Award in Quasicrystals, and was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2015. Prof. Lifshitz is a 5-time recipient of the Tel Aviv University Rector Prize for excellence in teaching.
His stay in Liverpool will be funded by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust under the “Visiting Professorships” scheme.