Two Liverpool students win prestigious INPC poster prizes

Several members of our Nuclear Physics Group recently attended the 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2019) in Glasgow. Held every three years, INPC is the biggest conference in the world for fundamental nuclear physics, and is overseen by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The event in Glasgow attracted over 800 attendees and follows on from conferences in Adelaide 2016, Florence 2013 and Vancouver 2010. The programme showcased the very latest work across the whole range of topic areas in Nuclear Physics, from the study of hadrons to the heaviest nuclei and the role of nuclear physics in our understanding of the universe. The importance of applications of nuclear science was also highlighted.
Two Liverpool Nuclear Physics Ph. D. students, namely Muneerah Al-Aqeel and Jacob Heery, both won first prize at their respective poster sessions. A prize of £120 was awarded by the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC), which is an expert committee of the European Science Foundation.