EPSRC announces £16 million investment in Supergen Energy Hubs and Solar Network

Three £5 million energy research hubs and a new £1 million network in solar energy that will build multidisciplinary collaborations between universities, academic bodies and industry were announced today by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
The three Supergen Energy hubs will be focused on Offshore Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, and Energy Networks, and will involve academics from 19 universities, and 70 stakeholder partners including 22 from industry.
The SuperSolar Network will act as a knowledge exchange mechanism, maintaining and improving the co-ordinated network for the Photovoltaics (PV) research community in the UK. It will include all solar technologies from fundamental research through to module engineering, champion the role of solar in the overall energy mix and engage all stakeholders in industry, government and finance.
Including practitioners from all areas of solar energy, the Network will identify and support promising new areas of research and reach out into the wider community. Using flexible funding it will assist early stage researchers to spend three months in leading international laboratories where they can access know-how and facilities, learn from best practice and accelerate the impact of research.
The lead scientist at Liverpool for the SuperSolar network will be Ken Durose. Further information may be found at: https://epsrc.ukri.org/newsevents/news/supergenhubssolarinvestment/