Ogden Isaac Mentoring Programmes 2018/19

The University of Liverpool Ogden Isaac Physics Fellow will be running mentoring programmes 2018/19 and is inviting GCSE (Y10&11) and ALEVEL (Y12&Y13) students in the Liverpool area to apply.
For those unfamiliar with Isaac Physics, it is a University of Cambridge based programme supported by the DfE with a huge online resource of problem solving questions from each area of the physics curriculum for levels GCSE – 1st Year University.
This last year our Isaac Physics Fellow has been visiting selected schools regularly and working with some of their groups through Isaac Physics assignments, mentoring and tuition.
Rather than going into the schools regularly, as has been done this year, we have decided to run a university based programme, where individual students sign themselves up where they are invited to attend 2 events per school term at the University of Liverpool to build up, develop and practice their physics and maths skills.
Advantages of this are:
- No disruption from other school subjects/lessons
- Students experience is enhanced during the events
- They will meet other students from the region
- Access to some of our high quality facilities/laboratories
The Liverpool Ogden Isaac Physics Fellow, Sarah Annand, had this to say about last year’s programme, “From my experience working with students in the region this year on Isaac physics I believe any student that engages with this programme will benefit with increased confidence, ability, aspirations and likely attainment.”
Students can find further information and register at this link