Skills School joins major training initiatives

From 8th – 12th January 2018, LIVDAT fellows attended a Complementary Skills School at the University of Liverpool where they joined fellows from the AVA Initial Training Network (ITN).
The school focused on developing the skills essential for early stage researchers including presentation skills, project management, peer review and IPR. Workshops were delivered by both external and internal experts. The workshop on presentational skills was held at the Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury, and included video recording and feedback from both fellows and trainers.
The Fellows took an active part in all the workshops, triggering discussions, delivering their own presentations and successfully working both independently and in groups.
Professor Carsten Welsch, Head of the Department of Physics, commented: “The Liverpool Physics Department has outstanding experience in the delivery of postgraduate training. This Skills School follows a programme developed by us through previous training networks coordinated by the University of Liverpool, and it is recognized as best practice by the European Commission.”
Combined workshops, in which fellows from different training networks come together help to develop personal networks and fellows from both LIV.DAT and AVA are looking forward to their next training events.