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Department of Physics
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Department of Physics
2014-03-13 11:0:00.0
EU awards more than €600,000 to support Accelerator research
2014-05-22 9:32:00.0
Accelerator Science Marie Curie Initial Training Network update
2014-06-02 12:32:00.0
A World A Particle Exhibition at Victoria Gallery & Museum
2014-06-10 12:32:00.0
Screening of "Particle Fever" - Liverpool Science Festival 5th July 2014
2014-06-24 14:5:00.0
PRaVDA at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition
2014-07-01 9:5:00.0
Professor Paul Nolan awarded 2014 Institute of Physics Rutherford medal and prize
2014-07-01 9:5:00.0
Physics staff and students involved in the Higgs Boson and Beyond exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition
2014-07-03 11:0:00.0
Liverpool technology at Museum of Science and Industry Collider exhibition
2014-07-14 9:0:00.0
Liverpool hosts 4th International Symposium on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy NuSYM14
2014-07-31 11:0:00.0
Particle Accelerator Summer School
2014-10-14 12:32:00.0
Combining Lasers and Accelerators to Train the next Generation of Researchers
2015-03-23 12:0:00.0
oPAC and LA3NET fellows research highlights on Youtube
2015-03-27 14:0:00.0
2015 University of Liverpool Poster Day success for Physics PhD student
2015-04-02 14:0:00.0
Liverpool Physicist elected as FLAIR Spokesperson
2015-05-15 16:0:00.0
PhD student awarded EPS Nuclear Physics European Thesis prize
2015-05-07 9:0:00.0
Reflections on the atomic nucleus conference 28-30 July 2015
2015-05-07 9:0:00.0
Professor Tara Shears gives IOP talk on CERN
2015-05-21 14:0:00.0
Gamma Rays - Imaging the Invisible - Talking Science Series
2015-05-27 12:0:00.0
Lasers and Accelerators for Science and Society Symposium June 26th 2015
2015-05-29 15:0:00.0
Early career researcher presents at Westminster SET for Britain event
2015-06-17 10:0:00.0
EuroCirCol – Liverpool is a key partner in EU-funded Design Study
2015-07-07 10:0:00.0
Advanced Researcher Career Skills Workshop
2015-07-27 10:0:00.0
Liverpool Physicist elected as IEEE Senior Member
2015-11-19 11:0:00.0
Paul Laycock - Managing a data tsunami at CERN
2015-12-10 11:0:00.0
PhD student featured on BBC Radio 4 Inside Science
2016-02-26 16:0:00.0
£3 Million European Training Network for Particle Beam Cancer Therapy Launched
2016-03-01 11:0:00.0
Physics Innovate at the 2016 International Festival for Business
2015-11-02 11:0:00.0
Physicist “Highly Commended” at Women of the Future Awards
2016-04-20 15:0:00.0
The Physics Effect - 2016 Annual Report
2016-07-25 11:0:00.0
Congratulations to our 2016 Physics graduates
2016-09-12 13:0:00.0
International Conference on Quasicrystals 18-23 September 2016
2016-09-19 14:0:00.0
‘Accelerating Researcher Careers’ – Department leads session at the Europe's largest Higher Education Conference
2016-09-23 14:0:00.0
Research from the Physics Department showcased at IBIC2016
2016-10-05 9:0:00.0
Students return from nuclear physics research internship in USA
2016-10-17 14:0:00.0
Physics Continuing Professional Development Courses 2016-17
2016-10-24 8:0:00.0
Liverpool Physics Olympics celebrates 25 successful years
2016-10-24 15:0:00.0
Professor Max Klein elected as Chair of the ATLAS Collaboration Board
2016-11-01 11:0:00.0
LA3NET Workshops organized in Paris by Liverpool Accelerator Experts
2016-11-02 10:0:00.0
Promising option for improving solar cell technology published in Nature Communications
2016-11-08 16:0:00.0
Non-invasive Intensity Measurements of Low Energy Beams Demonstrated for the First Time
2016-11-29 9:0:00.0
20 years of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
2016-12-01 11:0:00.0
Science Jamboree premiere a big success
2016-12-05 11:49:00.0
Visiting Professor of Nuclear Physics wins IOP Rutherford Medal
2016-12-05 14:35:00.0
Physics Postgraduate Research Open Event
2016-12-09 9:0:00.0
And the winner is…
2017-01-05 14:0:00.0
Applications now open for 2017 Physics postgraduate studentships
2017-01-19 10:0:00.0
European Antimatter R&D network launched
2017-01-23 9:0:00.0
Annual Meeting brought the ATLAS-UK Collaboration to Liverpool
2017-01-24 12:0:00.0
FACT-finding with artists at CERN; 2017 Collide International award is open for applications.
2017-02-03 12:0:00.0
Accelerators – Size Matters
2017-02-09 9:0:00.0
CERN finds more evidence that anti-matter is that tiny, important bit different.
2017-02-15 11:0:00.0
Searching for the rarest glimpse of New Physics
2017-02-17 11:0:00.0
Research is International - Placement experience of a Liverpool researcher
2017-03-06 8:0:00.0
ARIADNE Experiment Update
2017-03-07 11:29:00.0
Public Lecture ‘Treating Cancer with Particle Accelerators’ – Registration now open!
2017-03-10 9:0:00.0
PERLE kickoff meeting at Orsay
2017-03-13 9:0:00.0
British Science Week accelerates Cockcroft’s outreach activities
2017-03-13 13:0:00.0
UK Apprentices Assist in recycling a Hospital MRI Scanner to Study the Stuff of Stars at CERN
2017-03-14 9:0:00.0
Sharing the Fascination for Accelerators
2017-03-15 10:0:00.0
Postgraduate student presents research at the Houses of Parliament
2017-03-15 11:0:00.0
New £35m proton therapy centre will offer advanced life-saving cancer therapy in Liverpool
2017-03-17 10:0:00.0
OMA School on Medical Accelerators - registration closes soon
2017-04-04 14:0:00.0
Accelerator Outreach kicks up a notch
2017-04-12 11:0:00.0
The Cockcroft Institute celebrates three major milestones
2017-04-18 9:0:00.0
Liverpool wins Bubble Chamber Cup
2017-04-13 8:0:00.0
OMA Complementary Skills School
2017-04-19 12:0:00.0
Cracks in the (Lepton) Family Structure?
2017-04-20 11:0:00.0
University signs R&D agreement with Proton Partners International
2017-04-26 16:0:00.0
Liverpool Physics undergraduate wins IOP award for outreach
2017-05-02 10:0:00.0
Liverpool spin-out makes light of beam control
2017-05-05 11:47:00.0
It's the universe but not as we know it: Future Circular Collider Week
2017-05-08 11:0:00.0
Teacher of the Year award for Physics lecturer
2017-05-11 11:0:00.0
School of Physical Sciences achieves Silver Athena SWAN award in gender equality
2017-05-30 9:0:00.0
Summer Research Trip: Researching the Lasting Effects of the Chernobyl Disaster
2017-06-12 13:0:00.0
University of Liverpool raises the profile of Future Circular Collider
2017-06-16 8:46:00.0
Small particles, big machines
2017-06-20 15:0:00.0
OMA School on Medical Accelerators at CNAO, Italy
2017-06-21 10:0:00.0
In Memoriam - Prof Vinod Chohan (1949-2017)
2017-06-26 9:0:00.0
2016 Stephenson Institute Annual Report published
2017-06-27 10:0:00.0
Perspectives in Nuclear Physics - NuPECC Long Range Plan 2017
2017-06-22 11:0:00.0
Ogden Schools Physicist of the Year Awards (SPOTY)
2017-06-30 11:0:00.0
IOP Science Ambassador Training Day
2017-07-06 15:8:00.0
EuPRAXIA 1st Collaboration Week in Hamburg
2017-07-06 15:8:00.0
Physics Pre-Graduation Event 2017
2017-09-06 8:0:00.0
Liverpool contributions to IBIC 2017
2017-09-19 15:0:00.0
Undergraduate student placement at Mirion Technologies
2017-09-29 9:0:00.0
2017 STFC UK Postgraduate Nuclear Physics Summer School
2017-10-11 14:0:00.0
“Nobel prize for Physics 2017” – The song of the cosmos
2017-07-19 7:22:00.0
Liverpool kicks off STFC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science
2017-10-25 14:0:00.0
ISOLDE: 50 years of radioactive beams
2017-11-06 13:7:00.0
150 years on Marie Curie is still inspiring young scientists
2017-11-20 11:0:00.0
OMA School on Monte Carlo Simulations
2017-11-27 4:13:00.0
Physics of Star Wars - Fact or Fiction?
2017-12-01 11:0:00.0
Success in Staff Awards 2017: Mission to Mars wins in the “Greatest Contribution to the Student Experience” category
2018-01-08 12:17:00.0
PhD project opportunities
2018-01-24 12:17:00.0
Skills School joins major training initiatives
2018-01-28 20:53:00.0
Liverpool pioneers novel media training for researchers
2018-02-14 13:20:00.0
Meeting of the PERLE Collaboration at Daresbury
2018-03-20 10:0:00.0
In Memoriam: Professor Leslie Green
2018-06-05 11:0:00.0
Symposium: Quantum Leap Towards the Next Generation of Particle Accelerators
2018-06-18 8:0:00.0
Directors of UK Centres for Doctoral Training in Big Data Science meet in Liverpool
2018-06-18 13:0:00.0
Liverpool Physics ranked 5th in Guardian University League table
2018-07-02 10:0:00.0
Liverpool research selected as 2017 Research Highlight
2018-07-16 15:0:00.0
Liverpool Scientists host School that (anti)matters
2018-07-26 9:0:00.0
Graduating in Style!
2018-08-22 16:0:00.0
Ogden Isaac Mentoring Programmes 2018/19
2018-09-10 14:0:00.0
Physicists are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the LHC launch today – and have even bigger plans for the future
2018-09-17 16:0:00.0
EPSRC announces £16 million investment in Supergen Energy Hubs and Solar Network
2018-10-01 16:0:00.0
Success in the Undergraduate Physics Olympics
2018-10-04 10:0:00.0
Liverpool Physics and the World Human Powered Speed Challenge
2018-10-13 16:21:00.0
The Force is strong in Liverpool Physics
2018-10-31 11:40:00.0
How to characterize antimatter beams?
2018-11-06 9:0:00.0
Our Department welcomes 2nd LIV.DAT cohort!
2018-11-27 9:0:00.0
Liverpool to host international symposium on Future Circular Collider technologies
2018-12-07 10:59:00.0
Spotlight On undergraduate success: Siân Phillips
2019-01-06 19:59:00.0
Obituary – Dr Barry King
2019-02-01 10:9:39.0
7 Million pound funding for X-Ray materials facility
2019-02-04 10:34:30.0
STEM Day leaves Year 9 students better informed of academic route
2019-03-04 9:0:00.0
Liverpool students showcase innovation at Santander Universities event
2019-03-06 12:27:00.0
Industry emerging around Accelerator Science is driving demand for Physics Grads
2019-03-19 9:0:42.0
Student Life: Visiting CERN for the first time!
2019-03-27 9:0:08.0
Liverpool PhD student participates in launch of Jocelyn Bell Burnell Fund
2019-04-03 12:39:00.0
Particle Colliders – Accelerating Innovation
2019-04-15 15:0:59.0
ATLAS reports first evidence for production of three massive vector bosons
2019-05-15 8:30:00.0
Physics Department Celebrates 50 Years of Oliver Lodge Building
2019-05-15 13:30:17.0
Dr Lucy Clark awarded 2019 BTM Willis Prize
2019-05-28 9:30:00.0
Tactile Collider Team Scoops Top European Scientific Outreach Prize
2019-06-12 10:0:00.0
Liverpool physics in UK’s top 10
2019-06-17 10:0:00.0
Accelerating radiotherapy applications of fundamental research
2019-06-19 9:0:00.0
Big data revolution gathers pace in Liverpool
2019-07-05 15:27:35.0
Accelerator science showcased at international Symposium
2019-07-08 3:30:57.0
New sensor application published in Physical Review Letters
2019-07-16 9:0:00.0
Women in STEM: improving diversity in physics
2019-07-22 8:0:12.0
Advanced Researcher Career Skills School held in Liverpool
2019-09-18 9:0:43.0
Comprehensive memorandum of understanding signed with GSI/FAIR
2019-09-23 16:0:30.0
OMA careers workshop
2019-09-26 9:0:00.0
International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy held in Seville
2019-09-30 9:30:27.0
Two Liverpool students win prestigious INPC poster prizes
2019-09-30 14:17:24.0
Inaugural Lecture - Professor Uta Klein 2nd October 2019
2019-11-05 8:42:47.0
Spotlight on: Moises Barbera Ramos
2019-11-20 24:15:00.0
How Star Wars fantasy is shaping science fact
2019-12-02 11:3:00.0
Tactile Collider wins RNIB See Differently award
2019-12-09 11:0:26.0
Internships enrich physics degree
2019-12-18 14:0:00.0
Game-Changing Plasma Accelerator: EuPRAXIA project concludes its conceptual design for a powerful, small-footprint accelerator
2020-01-20 9:0:00.0
Dr Steve Barrett receives the Sir Patrick Moore Prize
2020-01-27 8:30:37.0
Liverpool amongst world’s best in collaborative physics research
2020-01-30 11:0:49.0
Francis Bench wins the John G Rutherglen Memorial Prize
2020-02-09 20:14:00.0
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
2020-02-12 11:0:27.0
Evolution of pear-shaped deformation in radium nuclei
2020-02-24 10:30:44.0
Successful Completion of the ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade Construction
2020-03-16 11:33:58.0
Thomas Primidis presented his PhD project at Westminster
2020-03-31 11:13:46.0
School on Precision Studies
2020-04-01 14:0:33.0
Liverpool students join PLANCKS 2020
2020-04-21 16:1:24.0
“A Tale of Two Tunnels” at the British Science Week
2020-04-24 10:30:48.0
Raman spectroscopy of antimony selenide for solar cells
2020-05-04 9:54:00.0
The Physics of Star Wars: Creative Teaching in Times of Lockdown
2020-06-01 11:30:00.0
Liverpool LHCb team members work for Covid-19 ventilators
2020-06-15 13:30:04.0
Superconducting recoil separator for radioactive isotopes
2020-06-17 14:30:46.0
University of Liverpool Online Nuclear Physics Masterclass for Years 11-13
2020-06-22 14:29:00.0
Advancements in the Optimization of Medical Accelerators
2020-08-07 13:27:53.0
IOP Award – Professor Susan Smith
2020-08-10 13:0:35.0
New report highlights benefits of collaborating with CERN
2020-08-14 9:0:39.0
New monitor type installed in the Large Hadron Collider
2020-08-18 8:55:38.0
Liverpool physics remains in world's top 100
2020-09-25 16:5:07.0
LHC experiments announce first indications of Higgs boson coupling to muons with major contributions by Liverpool scientists
2020-09-29 15:6:15.0
Virtual International Linac2020 Conference
2020-10-02 12:58:44.0
Gamma-rays in your living room
2020-10-08 13:52:42.0
EuPRAXIA application for European roadmap submitted
2020-10-09 14:28:35.0
BSc project student’s work results in publication on new solar cell material
2020-10-13 11:37:38.0
Online panel for prospective students - Saturday 17th October
2020-10-14 21:0:59.0
Commercialisation of a probe for the early diagnosis of cancer
2020-10-16 16:59:37.0
Paper published: Influence of Polymorphism on the Electronic Structure of Ga2O3
2020-10-30 11:42:00.0
Future Circular Collider film wins Silver in W3 Awards
2020-11-03 9:11:00.0
Antimatter network AVA reviews project successes
2020-11-05 8:22:00.0
Physica Medica Focus Issue published
2020-11-03 15:6:59.0
A new earth-abundant cathode material for sodium ion batteries
2020-11-10 17:14:47.0
Prof. Ron Lifshitz – Leverhulme Visiting Professor 2021
2020-11-12 10:50:19.0
The Economics of Big Science
2020-11-13 9:50:03.0
Paper published on solar water splitting
2020-11-18 13:21:53.0
Rosalind Franklin Medal and Prize
2020-12-03 16:13:00.0
ATLAS pushes the boundaries on Heavy Higgs bosons
2021-01-07 17:43:14.0
New results from AWAKE: Manipulation of Proton Bunch Self Modulation using Plasma Density Gradient
2021-01-14 9:58:24.0
Register now: national particle accelerator open day
2021-01-28 10:5:52.0
EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report published in the European Physical Journal
2021-02-03 15:12:31.0
Liverpool research identified as STFC success story
2021-02-10 9:0:47.0
Healthcare Instrumentation Workshop
2021-02-15 18:22:30.0
Cockcroft Institute Awarded more than £11 million to boost accelerator research
2021-02-16 14:6:04.0
Liverpool research identified as editor’s choice – The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei
2021-02-16 14:11:47.0
Transparent Semiconductor Alloy, Indium Gallium Oxide
2021-02-23 9:37:05.0
Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32
2021-02-25 14:8:35.0
Sailing towards the island of stability: decay spectroscopy of flerovium
2021-03-01 14:54:43.0
Welcome, Dr Brianna Heazlewood!
2021-03-02 14:5:59.0
What would you do with a mini accelerator?
2021-03-04 12:25:21.0
Magnetic Refrigeration: Combining Experiment and Machine Learning to Make a Cool Choice
2021-03-17 15:38:08.0
Accelerating the development of new solar absorbers
2021-03-18 9:1:39.0
UoL physicist in new LHC Higgs Group leadership role
2021-03-26 10:50:30.0
A new way to monitor the time-dependence of the number of LHC proton-proton collisions with ATLAS
2021-04-06 9:9:00.0
Rutherford Plasma Physics Communications Prize
2021-04-13 21:0:04.0
ALPHA cools antimatter using laser light for the first time
2021-04-13 12:17:33.0
Physics Outreach ‘Zooms’ into Primary Schools
2021-05-24 16:34:00.0
Funding success: qHAM - Commercialising Quantum Technologies
2021-06-08 16:40:31.0
New physics lab spaces
2021-06-24 12:48:00.0
Paper on FLASH proton therapy receives prestigious award
2021-06-28 9:54:10.0
First demonstration of the use of crab cavities on hadron beams
2021-06-07 8:47:00.0
Funding success for QuantumJet project
2021-10-19 12:57:45.0
Paper published on germanium sulfide and germanium selenide for solar cells
2021-11-02 14:32:09.0
A Novel Manufacturing Process for Glass THGEMs
2021-11-03 9:35:46.0
Image Fusion for Cancer Diagnosis
2021-11-15 9:27:00.0
New Article Published by Olivia Voyce: Band offsets of metal oxide contacts on TlBr radiation detectors
2021-11-17 10:2:55.0
Postgradute Open Day - 25th November 2021
2021-11-18 14:24:00.0
Charm likes to 'baryonise' at the LHC
2021-11-18 14:26:00.0
New investment from STFC for R&D in Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
2021-12-07 8:33:00.0
Introducing cutting-edge accelerator science to school children
2021-12-02 13:26:55.0
New ALICE Physics Convener
2021-12-03 11:39:00.0
FASER first physics result and new coordination role
2021-12-10 10:45:00.0
Water Phantoms for particle therapy using technology from CERN
2022-01-07 10:59:26.0
Susan Smith recognised in Queen’s New Year Honours
2022-03-03 15:26:00.0
Historic buildings could be protected from rising energy bills by solar panels
2022-03-07 9:27:00.0
LINAC 2022 Conference in Liverpool announced
2022-03-08 9:37:00.0
FCC Workshop organised by the University of Liverpool
2022-03-10 9:39:00.0
Science and Faith converge in Liverpool
2022-03-10 14:50:00.0
Article published by Kathy Wu and Chloe Miossec
2022-03-17 12:20:00.0
Dr Jacob Heery wins 2021 IOP “Early Career” Prize in Nuclear Physics
2022-03-18 12:40:00.0
Year 3/4 Adventures in Wonderland
2022-03-28 14:50:00.0
Tracking technical paper published
2022-03-31 15:0:00.0
LIV.DAT Advanced Career Skills School
2022-04-04 15:7:00.0
FCC Workshop co-organized by the University of Liverpool
2022-03-24 10:9:12.0
Coulomb excitation of pear-shaped radon-222 at CERN
2022-04-27 11:10:00.0
Nanosecond-scale proton emission from pumpkin-shaped Lu-149
2022-05-12 8:53:00.0
Annual IoP Particle Physics meeting
2022-05-19 8:45:00.0
Liverpool Physics in UK Top 10 for research outputs and research environment in REF2021
2022-05-27 9:10:00.0
New data science CDT officially launched
2022-06-01 13:22:00.0
Article featured on the front cover of Review of Scientific Instruments
2022-06-27 14:32:00.0
Student Guild Awards 2022
2022-06-16 14:36:00.0
Article featured on the front cover of ACS Physical Chemistry Au
2022-06-20 14:27:00.0
Liverpool student wins poster prize at the 2022 IOP nuclear physics conference
2022-07-06 13:52:37.0
RUEDI Town Hall Meeting - Materials in Extremes
2022-07-12 9:46:36.0
Controlling the plasma waves in AWAKE
2022-07-14 8:19:00.0
Eduardo Rodrigues Awarded Prestigious CERN Scientific Associateship
2022-07-15 8:0:00.0
Postgraduate Presentation Prize
2022-07-19 11:52:39.0
Combining superconductors and ferromagnets to create perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
2022-09-23 8:37:00.0
31st International Linear Accelerator Conference LINAC2022 delivered in Liverpool
2022-09-21 10:56:00.0
Plasma accelerator research and training boosted by EU funding
2022-09-22 8:14:18.0
PLANCKS2023 will take place in Liverpool
2022-09-21 8:5:00.0
First IoP Particle Accelerator and Beam Group conference held in Liverpool
2022-10-05 12:20:00.0
Accelerator science meets archaeology
2022-11-09 12:29:00.0
Empowering young people in the digital age
2022-11-23 12:10:00.0
Major boost to European plasma accelerator facility
2022-12-23 10:0:00.0
Dr Brianna Heazlewood awarded £100k Philip Leverhulme 2022 Prize
2023-01-26 10:0:00.0
Characterization of Molecular beams
2023-01-27 15:14:00.0
EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network starts in Brussels
2023-02-06 15:14:00.0
£435k funding secured for XMaS beamline at ESRF
2023-02-07 15:14:00.0
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023
2023-02-13 15:14:00.0
2023-02-13 15:14:00.0
Call to PhD students for PLANCKS
2023-02-15 8:29:00.0
TeV/m catapult acceleration of electrons in graphene layers
2023-02-17 8:21:00.0
Beam Gas Curtain Installed in the Large Hadron Collider
2023-03-02 14:0:00.0
Funding secured for International PP Experiments
2023-03-02 14:0:00.0
LIV.INNO Film wins Viddy Platinum award
2023-03-08 14:30:00.0
Protecting Particle Accelerators with Optical Fibres
2023-03-09 15:30:00.0
PLANCKS 2023 - a huge success
2023-03-17 13:0:00.0
Breaking barriers: Northern universities collaborate to inspire the next generation of female scientists
2023-03-21 13:0:00.0
New ATLAS search for third-generation Leptoquarks
2023-03-23 15:0:00.0
AWAKE-UK Collaboration met in Liverpool
2023-03-28 12:0:00.0
XMaS Newsletter published
2023-04-05 13:0:00.0
FASER detects first ever high energy neutrinos produced by a particle collider
2023-04-06 12:0:00.0
Carsten Welsch awarded Certificate of Recognition for economic impact to Liverpool city region
2023-04-11 12:0:00.0
Class of 1966 visits Daresbury
2023-04-14 15:0:00.0
Pear-shaped plutonium studied with AGATA
2023-04-17 16:0:00.0
Liverpool expert takes the stage at Star Wars Celebration 2023
2023-04-20 13:0:00.0
ATLAS releases an improved measurement of the mass of the W boson
2023-05-10 15:15:00.0
LIV.INNO School boosts students' career skills
2023-05-11 15:15:00.0
Surfatron brings the physics of plasma accelerators to the classroom
2023-05-16 15:15:00.0
New Heavy Higgs boson search is published in EPJC
2023-05-25 12:0:00.0
Monika Yadav successfully defends PhD thesis
2023-05-24 13:15:00.0
QUASARs at CERN participate in outreach event to introduce girls to coding
2023-06-02 15:0:00.0
Comprehensive study of erbium-158 published.
2023-06-14 15:0:00.0
Undergraduate Trip to Waters
2023-06-15 15:30:00.0
Square Tin Oxide Nanotubes with Resilient 2D Surface Electron Gas
2023-06-21 12:0:00.0
Holly Tann awarded dual Liverpool-Jyväskylä PhD
2023-06-22 16:0:00.0
PhD Success - Dr Pruthvi Mehta
2023-06-28 16:0:00.0
AEgIS collaboration meeting takes place in Warsaw
2023-06-30 10:0:00.0
QUASARs take the stage at IPAC’23
2023-07-11 14:30:00.0
Introducing WATMO: Inspiring Curiosity and Careers in Science
2023-07-12 16:30:00.0
Upside down – The Science of Stranger Things
2023-07-18 14:0:00.0
Adam McCarter wins prize at international conference
2023-07-20 15:30:00.0
CMP presentations at the International Symposium on Molecular Beams
2023-07-26 12:0:00.0
CMP presentations at the International Symposium on Molecular Beams
2023-08-03 12:0:00.0
g-2 Experiment Poised for New Result
2023-08-15 12:0:00.0
Physics alumni gain successive world records for tandem solar cells
2023-08-16 13:15:00.0
EPSRC visits the XMaS beamline at the ESRF in Grenoble
2023-09-05 14:45:00.0
Liverpool Hosts Delegation from the British University in Egypt
2023-09-07 12:0:00.0
AGATA: Nuclear structure advancement with fusion-evaporation reactions
2023-09-13 14:0:00.0
The British Foundation of Women Graduates: Academic Award 2023
2023-09-21 10:35:00.0
The PhD Handbook
2023-09-27 15:15:00.0
Early Career ICFA Award: Dr. Kostas Mavrokoridis
2023-09-28 15:40:00.0
Reaching out from the Liverpool@CERN Particle Physics Summer School
2023-10-02 10:15:00.0
Heavy ions are back at the LHC!
2023-10-06 12:0:00.0
Liverpool Scientists Present at Faraday Discussions in York
2023-10-10 14:5:00.0
Image Fusion for Cancer Diagnosis
2023-10-12 15:10:00.0
Beam dosimetry measurements made with gas jet monitor
2023-10-20 21:20:00.0
New member of the STFC Science Board (PPAN)
2023-10-24 14:0:00.0
UK strategy for engagement with CERN launched
2023-10-26 13:20:00.0
STFC summer school 2023
2023-10-27 15:20:00.0
University of Liverpool’s Data Science CDT Student Seminar Series
2023-11-16 11:25:00.0
John G Rutherglen Memorial Prize
2023-11-17 14:25:00.0
School on Graph Neural Network and Explainable AI @ Liverpool
2023-11-17 10:15:00.0
Celebrating 10 years of SIRE!
2023-11-22 14:40:00.0
Congratulations to our former student Rhiannon Jones
2023-11-23 15:0:00.0
Joint LIV.INNO and EuPRAXIA-DN researcher training hosted in Liverpool
2023-11-28 14:30:00.0
Liverpool expert invited by EU to share best practice in PGR training
2023-11-30 10:30:00.0
Bridging Academia, Industry and Government: Naimuri's Data Scientists Share Insights
2023-12-01 10:30:00.0
Second cohort of LIV.INNO students start their PhDs
2023-12-04 10:30:00.0
MUonE Test Run at CERN: a first milestone towards the final experiment
2023-12-05 15:30:00.0
New UK Roadmap for Solar Energy
2023-12-06 14:30:00.0
FunTuple: LHCb's new innovation for offline data processing
2023-12-07 9:40:00.0
Media Training offered to EuPRAXIA-DN Fellows
2023-12-08 14:25:00.0
Major Hyper-Kamiokande Construction Milestone
2023-12-11 8:30:00.0
First Dark Matter Search Results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment
2023-12-12 8:30:00.0
Alumni spotlight: Jyoti Thyagarajan (MSc Physics, 1991)
2023-12-13 8:30:00.0
A step towards taking animal testing out of drug testing
2023-12-14 8:30:00.0
Liverpool Condensed Matter Work Highlighted in Papers, Conference
2023-12-12 10:15:00.0
Congratulations to all our December 2023 graduates
2023-12-15 8:15:00.0
Prof Welsch contributes to THE Campus Live UK & IE
2023-12-18 15:0:00.0
Prof Carsten Welsch to co-chair EIC Accelerator Collaboration
2023-12-21 8:0:00.0
ATLAS releases a search for axion-like particles in Higgs boson decays
2024-01-19 2:34:00.0
EuPRAXIA-DN: Global Minds, Accelerating Tomorrow - A Film on the Future of Plasma Accelerators
2024-01-25 10:5:00.0
United Kingdom joins Horizon Europe programme
2024-01-31 14:55:00.0
New brochure produced for LIV.INNO Centre for Doctoral Training
2024-02-06 14:55:00.0
Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women and Girls in Science
2024-02-07 14:40:00.0
LHCb releases the entire Run I dataset
2024-02-23 11:20:00.0
CERN is 70!
2024-02-28 11:20:00.0
Reinsertion of the LHCb VELO
2024-03-07 15:25:00.0
Nuclear Physics Consolidated Grant success
2024-03-12 15:0:00.0
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024
2024-03-14 13:35:00.0
SOLEIL beamtime measurements by CMP members
2024-03-21 9:50:00.0
Bridging Science, Philosophy, and Faith at Liverpool Cathedral
2024-04-09 15:0:00.0
Almost £200M investment into new accelerator-based research infrastructures announced
2024-04-10 10:0:00.0
How Science Conferences Power Liverpool's Economy and Innovation Scene
2024-04-18 10:0:00.0
IOP at Liverpool
2024-04-26 14:40:00.0
Professor Welsch contributes to APS March meeting
2024-04-29 9:50:00.0
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
2024-04-29 10:15:00.0
Victoria Gallery and Museum, British Science Week – Science Fair
2024-05-03 10:25:00.0
LDIR Wand: Patient and Public Involvement
2024-05-08 10:25:00.0
I.FAST holds its third annual meeting in Paris
2024-05-15 12:0:00.0
EuPRAXIA-DN School on Plasma Accelerators
2024-06-05 12:0:00.0
Successful HV-CMOS sensor test beam at DESY with Liverpool Crew
2024-06-07 10:25:00.0
CMP members present work at Faraday Discussion (with a link to Sir Oliver Lodge!)
2024-06-10 9:35:00.0
Professor Welsch contributes to 2024 KoWi Annual Conference on EU Research & Innovation Funding
2024-06-11 10:15:00.0
Liverpool Accelerator Science Cluster contributions at IPAC’24
2024-06-19 15:30:00.0
New beyond-Standard-Model Higgs summary plots by ATLAS
2024-06-26 11:15:00.0
Liverpool Hosts UKSB2024
2024-06-27 12:0:00.0
Professor Welsch visits ESS
2024-07-12 10:50:00.0
Karol Hennessy wins a 2024 LHCb Technical award
2024-07-23 9:15:00.0
A-Level Work Experience
2024-07-30 9:45:00.0
LIV.INNO hosts STFC Data Science Summer School in Liverpool
2024-08-01 14:30:00.0
UOL Physics help schools to Get UP!
2024-08-09 10:45:00.0
Department hosts WoNDRS!
2024-08-14 10:30:00.0
Lottie Cavanagh attends the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
2024-08-21 15:30:00.0
CMP research awarded Zdeněk Herman MOLEC Prize
2024-09-02 11:30:00.0
New LHCb-UK Spokesperson
2024-09-19 13:0:00.0
Run the Length of the Future Circular Collider – A Virtual Fitness Challenge!
2024-09-23 12:0:00.0
£400k awarded for breakthrough imaging research
2024-09-25 10:0:00.0
University of Liverpool’s QUASAR Group features at EXA/LEAP2024
2024-10-03 14:30:00.0
ATLAS releases new b-tagging calibrations
2024-10-10 15:30:00.0
Prize for Dr Cotrozzi
2024-10-17 10:30:00.0
LIV.INNO showcases its research at event in Liverpool
2024-10-21 14:45:00.0
Liverpool’s Accelerator Science Cluster contributes to IBIC 2024
2024-10-23 12:0:00.0
EuPRAXIA holds Satellite Meeting during BSBF 2024
2024-10-30 12:0:00.0
Elected ATLAS Publication committee chair
2024-11-06 10:30:00.0
Research paper featured on the front cover of Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2024-11-04 12:0:00.0
Celebrating the Work of Black Physicists Across Fields
2024-11-12 12:0:00.0
Liverpool Group hosted European workshop on intermetallic compounds
2024-11-13 9:0:00.0
A new way to synthesise element 116 opens the doorway to even heavier atoms and the elusive “island of stability”
2024-11-15 9:0:00.0
First Runners Complete the ‘Run the Length of the Future Circular Collider’ Challenge
2024-11-20 12:30:00.0
Liverpool to Spearhead Advanced Beam Diagnostics in €10 Million PACRI Project
2024-11-28 12:30:00.0
Honey, Health, and High-Tech: Exploring the Surprising Connections Between Nature and Innovation
2024-12-05 10:30:00.0
AWAKE Collaboration Meeting
2024-12-13 9:30:00.0
Liverpool to Host World’s Largest Particle Accelerator Conference in 2029
2024-12-16 9:30:00.0
New Film Showcases the Research of the QUASAR Group
2024-12-18 9:30:00.0
Celebrating 30 Years of JUAS: A Milestone in Accelerator Science Education
2024-12-20 9:30:00.0
Liverpool research recognized in Physics World’s Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2024
2025-01-14 14:30:00.0
Dr Maks Roman awarded poster prize at the Faraday Community Poster Symposium
2025-01-16 15:0:00.0
LHCb measures the effective leptonic weak mixing angle
2025-01-27 11:0:00.0
Year 9 STEM Taster Days
2025-02-14 15:0:00.0
A-Level Work Experience Week
2025-02-27 15:50:00.0
Dr Kathy Wu awarded thesis prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry
2025-03-03 15:0:00.0
Voice of Science: Prof Welsch puts Liverpool Research into the spotlight at CERN
2025-03-06 14:45:00.0
Joint LIV.INNO and EuPRAXIA-DN skills school hosted in Liverpool
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Department of Physics, University of Liverpool
The Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Liverpool, L69 7ZE
United Kingdom
Student Enquiries +44 (0)151 794 3351 General Enquiries +44 (0)151 794 3358
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Student Enquiries +44 (0)151 794 3351 General Enquiries +44 (0)151 794 3358