LHCb VELO modules constructed at Liverpool

Impact and Knowledge Exchange

Working together with external partners accelerates the impact of our research achievements in the UK, global economy and society. The Department of Physics is always interested in forging relationships and facilitate knowledge exchange with industry and relevant organisations.

We organise industry-academia workshops to enable cross-sector collaboration such as the International Symposium and co-innovation workshop and the Healthcare Instrumentation workshop.

Our partnerships and collaborations with external organisations are a vital part of our commitment to train doctoral students. We host the STFC Liverpool Data Intensive Science and Innovation (LIV.INNO) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) where we work closely with industry, the public sector and other organisations on a wide range of activities including joint studentships, industry placements, skills development, sponsorship, and research sandpits.

We accelerate the generation of economic and societal impacts in the UK and internationally by capitalising on the strength of our research portfolio and through proactive knowledge exchange and technology transfer activities and relationships. An example of a recent successful innovation activity is the collaboration of Physics researchers with the Liverpool Head & Neck Centre (LHNC) to  develop the Liverpool Diagnostic Infrared (LDIR) Wand, a hand-held device that can rapidly and accurately identify lesions in the mouth that will develop into cancer.

A brief overview of a range of impact related activities concerning proof of concept and prototype development is available here.

Business Development

Our business development team is responsible for the management and exploitation of IP generated by R&D in our department. We aim to maximise the outcome of our research to benefit industry, the University and the wider economy. We will:

  • act as a broker between the University and your organisation
  • recognise the value industrial expertise brings to a project
  • identify the most appropriate funding mechanism to suit the type and needs of our joint collaborative project
  • manage technology transfer projects to completion.

Contact Us

Constantinos Astreos

Business Development Manager

Department of Physics

University of Liverpool

Email: c.astreos@liverpool.ac.uk

Continuing Professional Development

We also offer Continuing Professional Development short courses in Radiometrics. Find out more on the PGT Radiometrics webpage

For further information please contact the CPD Programme Director Professor Andy Boston

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