Dr Panayiota Vassilopoulou is appointed Resident Philosopher at Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre

Following on the success of her Philosopher-in-Residence programme at the Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool (2013-15), the first of its kind in the UK, Dr Vassilopoulou was invited to work together with curators Susan Lord and Dr Hannah Allan, and Artist-in-Residence Rachel Defay-Liautard, on the exhibition Random Archive, funded by the Arts Council and the National Lottery fund, at Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre, May-August 2017.
This is an exciting opportunity that promotes and develops the model of Academic Residency as a successful from of situated collaboration between the University and external partners. This new collaboration with Bury Art Museum facilitated by the University’s Business Gateway, foregrounds the civic role of the University in developing extensive and sustained knowledge exchange links with cultural institutions and communities in the North West.
During this period, Dr Vassilopoulou will be conducting research activities exploring new ways of thinking about the present and future of archives. Is the art archive the information or the actual objects it contains? Are these objects just documents, or works of art themselves? How does digital technology impact on our memory of the past, the living experience of the present, our imaginings if the future?
As part of the Residence Dr Vassilopoulou will be hosting three public events, to which you are cordially invited.
Thursday 1st June, 6pm-8pm: In conversation with the exhibition curators, celebrating the opening of Random Archive; followed by drinks reception, supported by the School of the Arts, University of Liverpool
Friday 23rd June, 1.30pm-3.30pm: The Archive Maze Workshop
Thursday 6 July, 1.30pm-3.30pm: The Digital Archive Workshop.
Dr Vassilopoulou is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Liverpool.