Welcome Thomas Schramme

We would like to offer a very warm welcome to Professor Thomas Schramme, who joined the Department this summer.
Thomas works in Ethics, Political Philosophy, the Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics. He studied at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, the Free University of Berlin (with Ursula Wolf and Axel Honneth) and Oxford. From 1998 to 2005 he was lecturer then senior lecturer at University of Mannheim, and from 2005 to 2009 he was a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Humanities of Heath Care at Swansea University. In 2009 he was appointed Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Hamburg, where he was Head of Department between 2010 and 2013.
Thomas has published 3 monographs in German, including his PhD thesis on the concept of mental illness, a textbook in bioethics, and his “second book” (Habilitation), which develops a sufficientarian theory of social justice. He has also published articles in journals such as Social Philosophy and Policy, Environmental Politics, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice and Bioethics. He edited the 2014 MIT volume Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity, and is co-editor of Philosophy and Psychiatry (de Gruyter 2004), On Moral Sentimentalism (Cambridge 2015, with Neil Roughley), and the Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine (Springer 2016. with Steve Edwards).
From 2017 he will be the main editor (with Marcus Düwell of Utrecht University) of "Ethical Theory and Moral Practice".
Thomas is currently working on Paternalism, a topic which has links with his long-standing interests in psychiatric ethics and public health (a collection stemming from a recent workshop has been published by Springer New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care). He is also leading a research group investigating the modelling and normative assessment of collective decisions.
Thomas also enjoys playing football, and has recently started a career in an over 40's team, which he wishes to continue in Liverpool. He will happily accept any transfer offers.