News in Brief - February 2025

Featured News
We welcome our new Professor, Sorin Baiasu.
International News
PhD researcher, Georgie Brighouse has had papers accepted at two international conferences. In February she presented her work on aphantasia at the Kinds of Cognition Graduate Conference at the University of Connecticut. In May she will be at the International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry (INPP) 26th conference in Leipzig. The conference theme is Psychopathology: Interfaces of Basic Sciences and Scholarly Disciplines.
Robin McKenna took part in an online “author meets critics” panel on his book, Non-Ideal Epistemology. It was organised by Paul Silva for Concept (Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition) and the critics were Aidan McGlynn (Edinburgh), Ian James Kidd (Nottingham) and Florencia Rimoldi (Buenos Aires). The video is here.
Sorin Baiasu (with Mark Timmons) has an edited collection on Kantian Citizenship: Grounds, Standards and Global Implications (Routledge).
Thomas Schramme (with Ben Davies) has a new paper in Public Health Ethics on ‘Health Capital and its Significance for Health Justice’
Daniel Hill, Stephen McLeod, Attila Tanyi & Tarek Yusari are now under contract to write The Law and Ethics of Entrapment: Definition, Permissibility, and Implications for the Oxford University Press series Oxford Legal Philosophy. Work towards the book is supported by the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant ‘Entrapment, Criminal Justice, and Ethics’.
Tom Whyman has a new paper out in Environmental Values, ‘Spontaneous hope, anger and climate activism’.
Other news
Laura Gow paper presented her paper ‘The Truth about Belief’ as a visiting speaker at The Open University.
Thomas Schramme gave a talk at Queen’s School, Chester, on Empathy.
Upcoming Events
Our next Stapledon talk on 6 March is online with Karen Ng (Vanderbilt), ‘What is the Gattungsprozess? Social Freedom and Social Reproduction in Hegel and Marx’. Contact Vid Simoniti for a link to join.
Women in Parenthesis Research Seminar (online). 11th February 2025, 10am GMT: Peter Robinson on ‘Philosophical Plumbing of the Australian Vocational Education Framework’ (contact Rachael Wiseman for a zoom link)
There will be a pre-doctoral (undergraduate and masters students) ‘Wartime Quartet Conference’ at Trinity College Cambridge (in person and hybrid), 28-29 June 2025. Keynote speakers are Jane Heal and Sabina Lovibond. The deadline for abstract submission is CFA is 31 March. Contact Rachael Wiseman for more information.