Introducing Professor Sorin Baiasu

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We are delighted to welcome Professor Baiasu to the department. Here he tells us about himself and his work. 

“I have a broad range of research interests, which include history-informed philosophy, analytic moral and political philosophy and philosophical counselling. I am particularly interested in Kantian and post-Kantian philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, aesthetics and moral philosophy), distributive justice (egalitarianism and desertism), restorative justice, and philosophical grounds of philosophical counselling, especially interpersonal relations, as well as ethics and universality.

One of my more significant recent projects (Kantian Justice: A Desert-sensitive Responsibility-enhancing Theory - KantianDESERT) is designed to formulate a new model of distributive justice, in response to growing economic disparities globally, by offering a distinctive position within dominant egalitarianisms in current political philosophy. Through several original contributions, the project builds an innovative case for a theory sensitive to individual just deserts. Due to start on 1 May 2025, KantianDESERT is a 5-year Advanced Research Project selected by the European Research Council and funded by the UK Research and Innovation.

Before joining Liverpool, I taught at the Universities of Manchester, Keele and Vienna. I am the Director of the Liverpool-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian Research Centre, a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Uehiro Oxford Institute, Oxford University, and Chair of the Steering Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research’s Kantian Standing Group.”

Professor Baiasu would be happy to supervise PhD students in the areas mentioned above or on related topics. He is currently supervising several PhD projects, including: 

-    Body, Shame, Neutrality and Positivity (Meg Beech)
-    Contemplation, Transcending Experience and the Ineffable: Lessons for Philosophical Counselling (Jo Moore)
-    Science, Doubt and Wisdom: A Developmental Structure in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Eric Sancho Adamson)
-    Existentialist Ethics (Shihao Gong)
-    Post-conflict Peace Building and Constitution Making (Sivakaran Naviratnam)