News in Brief - October 2024

Featured News
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships at the School of Arts, University of Liverpool
PhD at University of Liverpool – call for applicants; AHRC studentships
Congratulations Dr Lauren Stephens!
International News
Michael Hauskeller went to the University of Constance, Germany, to give a talk on ‘what makes life meaningful’ and attended the launch of the book Die Heilkraft der Literatur (The Therapeutic Power of Literature) at the Danube Private University in Austria. Michael’s contribution to the book is a chapter on ‘Illness and Dying as a Crisis of Meaning: Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich’
Robin McKenna is giving a talk, ‘Doing Your Own (Patient Activist) Research’ in Montreal on 8 November for GRIN, ‘Le groupe de recherche interuniversitaire sur la normativité’
Neil Williams presented at a conference in Canada at Vice Theory: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, University of New Brunswick'. The paper was called ‘Rethinking the Highest Human Good - An Existential Appraisal of Virtue Ethics’.
Richard Gaskin’s edited collction, The Question of Linguistic Idealism is out soon. The cover was designed by Richard’s son Markus!
Tom Whyman’s review of Berg and Wiseman, What are Children For?, is out in EJP
Robin McKenna’s ‘The duty to listen’, co-authored with Hrishikesh Joshi at University of Arizona is out now in Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
Rachael Wiseman reviewed Niklas Forsberg, Lectures on a Philosophy Less Ordinary: Language and Morality in J. L. Austin’s Philosophy for the Northern European Journal of Philosophy
Katherine Furman in IAI on why Mistrust of science isn’t always irrational
Other News
Vid Simoniti presented a paper 'Worldmaking in Capitalist Democracies' at the 'Participatory Practices, Art and Democracy' conference at the University of Oxford, 1-2 November 2024, organised by the Art*is EU Horizon Project.
Gary Jones presented his paper ‘The Importance of “Process” in Anscombe’s Understanding of Causality.’, at the British Philosophy Postgraduate Association Annual Conference in Manchester.
Megan Rawon presented ‘The Pregnant Corporation: Using the Metaphysics of Pregnancy to Frame New Ontological Perspectives on the Foster-Gravida “Group”’ at the BUMP: The metaphysics of pregnancy and beyond conference at KCL.
Rachael Wiseman spoke about Dorothy Emmet at a Manchester University Manchester Minds Bi-Centenary event.
Upcoming Events
The 2024-25 Stapledon seminar series has begun! For full information see here. In November:
- 14 November: Mark Textor (KCL), ‘Don’t stare, compare! Attention as the Relating Activity’
- 28 November, Nikk Effingham (Birmingham), ‘The Widom-Potter-Perrett Argument for Reincarnation’
An online ‘Women in Parenthesis’ seminar series will run this year. For the programme and to participate see here.