Former student Jack Symes named one of BBC’s 2024 New Generation Thinkers

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Photo of BBC New Generation Thinker Jack Symes

Jack Symes was an BA, MA and PhD student in philosophy at Liverpool. He was recently named by the BBC as one of their ten New Generation Thinkers

Jack writes: 

"I’m delighted to have been named one of BBC’s New Generation Thinkers, which wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the University of Liverpool’s Department of Philosophy. I had the privilege of completing my undergraduate, masters, and PhD at the University of Liverpool. One of the great things about Liverpool is how active the Philosophy Department is with public outreach. It was only three years ago when Liverpool’s Vid Simoniti was also named as a BBC New Generation Thinker. This continued recognition shows the Department’s commitment and success in delivering research that’s of value to the public. That’s something I’m proud to have been a part of.”