News in Brief - April 2024

Featured News
sic@liv: The Social Imagination Collective
In Focus: Just do it! Real-world Impact for your Research
‘Print your own tickets, treat your own illnesses – welcome to DIY Britain’ - Tom Whyman in the Guardian
Mind, Brain, & Consciousness: Conference for Barry Dainton’s 65th Birthday
In Focus: I want to teach, but how? Tackling Sensitive Topics – led by Jan Jobling
Liverpool School of the Arts Doctoral Award scheme now open
International News
Cecília Samel (PhD candidate in Philosophy at PUC-Rio/Brasil) completes her research visit
Liverpool Philosophy co-hosted the European PPE network conference at the University of Warwick (26 April - 27 April). The theme this year was African PPE. Contact Katharine Furman for more information.
Watch Robin McKenna explaining his research on the ethics and epistemology of persuasion for the Applied Epistemology Project at UNC Chapel Hill
Thomas Schramme presented at the APA Pacific in Portland in April. He also made a class visit at California State University in Fullerton. At both occasions he spoke about “Empathy for Dummies. Limits to Caring Relationships with Social Robots”.
‘Policing, undercover policing and “dirty hands”: the case of state entrapment’ by Daniel Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi is out now in Philosophical Studies.
Thomas Schramme has published 3 chapters in the new Mill Handbuch (in German). He also has a new article in Philosophical Exploration, 'Empathy as a means to understand people'.
Other News
Laura Gow gave a talk, ‘The Truth about Belief’, at Cardiff University, and discussed ‘The Unavoidable Non-veridicality of Colour Experience’ at Reading University
Lauren Stephens’ paper ‘Sartre and Cultural Restitution: From History’s Objects to Subjects of Their Own History’ has been accepted for the UK Sartre Society Conference in July; and her paper ‘We Should Act Like Artists: Simone de Beauvoir’s Artist as Ethical Ideal’ has been accepted for the Society for Women in Philosophy session at the Aristotelian Society Joint Session in July.
Former MA student, Caroline Gore, gave a talk at the Philosophy of Memes conference on “The Ethics of Archiving Memes Which Involve a Person”. The paper was an expanded version of an essay written for PHIL704.
Megan Rawson, Katherine Furman and Thomas Schramme held a workshop on “Normative Implications of the Metaphysics of Extra-Corporeal Gestation” in collaboration with the “Future of Human Reproduction” programme at Lancaster University.
The British Society for the History of Philosophy annual conference took place at Liverpool, organised by Rachael Wiseman and Miles Cheshire. There were over 80 speakers, including Thomas Schramme (on "Wilhelm von Humboldt's theory of individuality").
Upcoming Events
9 May. Fabienne Peter (Warwick), ‘Relational moral demands’ (Stapledon Seminar)
10 June. Workshop: Reassessing the Role of Belief in Decision-making and Action
17-19 June. 6th International Conference on Philosophy & Meaning in Life