News in Brief - September 2023

Featured News
Vid Simoniti’s book Artists Remake the World, is out now with Harvard University Press
Aesthetics and Political Epistemology: BSA Connections Conference
Featured Student: Labeeba Miah
Workshop with Lauren Stephens, Philosopher In Residence at the Open Eye
Other News
We are delighted to welcome FIVE new members of staff to the department! Tom Bunyard and Tom Whyman are our new lecturers in political philosophy. Tarek Yusari and Jonathan Bebb join the Leverhulme Trust Entrapment project team. Chris Early comes as a British Society for Aesthetics postdoctoral fellow, working with Vid Simoniti.
This year, Katherine Furman will be a visiting fellow at the SOCRATES (Social Credibility and Trustworthiness of Expert Knowledge and Science-Based Information) centre at Leibniz University Hannover. Their website link to the fellows is here:
Robin McKenna spoke at the University of North Carolina ‘Applied Epistemology Project’ on the epistemology of science communication.
On 26th September, Nikos Gkogkias gave an invited talk at the University of Pisa (Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere), entitled 'We Need to Talk about Goodman's Ghost', for the international conference 'Arts, Literatures, Languages'.
Katherine Furman will be talking about the ‘Epistemology of Health Rumours’ at the ‘Half-Truths, Lies and Bullsh*t: The Politics and Practices of Ignorance’ conference in Johannesburg next week.
Upcoming Events
The Stapledon Lecture series for the coming semester is now available here. Once again we have a blend of in-person and online lectures. We kick off on 19 October, with Douglas Hedley on ‘The Seriousness of Play’.
Vid Simoniti’s Artists Remake the World (HUP)
Robin McKenna wrote about virtues and vices in a non-ideal world for the OUP blog
Laura Gow’s ‘Necessarily Veridical Hallucinations: A New Problem for the Uninstantiated Property View’ has been published with The Philosophical Quarterly.