News in Brief - April 2023

Featured News
How Does It Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Affective Empathy; Conference June 26-28
New Book! Robin McKenna’s Non-Ideal Epistemology
Other News
Congratulations to Dr Sam Cloake! Sam’s thesis, Naturalism in the Philosophy of Richard Rorty, was examined and passed this month!
Thomas Schramme gave a keynote “Scaffolding athletes’ choices & performance in risky & uncertain circumstances” at KU Leuven.
Katherine Furman and Vid Simoniti asked whether ecological art can go beyond doom-is-nigh and hug-a-tree paradigms while having a pint with ‘Pint of Science’
We’re hiring! We're seeking a researcher with a Ph.D. in a relevant area of law to work with Daniel Hill, Stephen McLeod and Attila Tanyi on their Leverhulme Trust project, ‘Entrapment, Criminal Justice, & Ethics’.
Richard Gaskin is on the Determinate Content podcast discussing Linguistic Idealism.
Katherine Furman spoke at the Edinburgh-Glasgow 'Trust and Trustworthiness' conference last week in Edinburgh.
Upcoming Events
4 May: Neil Roughley, ‘Social and moral anger as imperative attitudes’ (Stapledon)
26 May: CHESS / Women in Parenthesis Workshop on Anscombean dimensions of Nancy Cartwright’s work on causation (contact Rachael Wiseman)
7-9 June, Wartime Quartet: Significance, Legacy, Spirit at Durham University (contact Rachael Wiseman).
19–21 June: Aesthetics and Political Epistemology, online and in person (contact Robin McKenna)
26-28 June: How Does It Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Affective Empathy; (contact Lizzy Ventham)
27 June: ‘Mind, Brain, & Consciousness: Conference for Barry Dainton’s 65th Birthday’ (contact Daniel Hill)
8-10 April 2024: British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference (contact Rachael Wiseman)
Harry Drummond’s, ‘The “Social” in the Social Turn: Empathy, Bias, and Participatory Art’, in Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Volume 9, 2022 - Issue 1
Stephen McLeod, Daniel Hill & Attila Tanyi have a new chapter on Entrapment, in the Elgar Encyclopaedia of Crime and Criminal Justice