News in Brief - January 2023

Featured News
Go Higher Lecture: Time travel philosophy in movies
Philosophy Department Hosts The Ethics Cup!
Robin McKenna was interviewed for the Panpsycast
Daniel Hill was on Parker’s Pensees discussing his and Matt Hart’s new book. Does God Intend that Sin Occur also featured on the New Books Network
Vid Simoniti gave a talk at the Mudam museum in Luxembourg on art and bureaucracy on the occasion of artist Sung Tieu's exhibition.
Laura Gow presented her talk ‘Necessarily Veridical Hallucinations’ as part of a seminar series run by the MUMBLE research group in Turin. She also gave a talk on panpsychism to 200 sixth formers at North London Collegiate School.
On 1st February, Professor Richard Gaskin will become head of department while Michael Hauskeller is on research leave. Good luck Richard!
Tom Swaine-Jameson passed his PhD viva with no corrections. Congratulations Dr Swain-Jameson!
Rachael Wiseman gave a talk about Metaphysical Animals to A-Level students at Habs School.
In December, the International Center for Philosophy at Bonn, Germany, hosted a two-day workshop dedicated to issues from Richard Gaskin’s work. As part of the workshop, Richard gave two talks, on Literary Humanism and Linguistic Idealism & Disjunctivism.
Forthcoming Events
We have two Stapledon Lectures in Feburary. On 9th, in the SOTA library, Emily Thomas, Durham University. On 23rd, online, Christine Overall, Queens University, Canada. The full programme for this semester, will be published here.
New book! Matthew J Hart and Daniel J Hill, Does God Intend that Sin Occur? Palgrave.
Harry Drummond’s new entry in the IEP, ‘The Value of Art’