Progress to Postgraduate Philosophy: MA, MRes, PhD

Join us to discuss the exciting range of postgraduate opportunities we have available to you in the department of Philosophy and share festive drinks with us!
When and where?
Wednesday 14th December 2022, 1:30pm -3.00pm
Seminar Room 1, Gillian Howie House
This event is for current Undergraduate, MA/MSc and MRes students in Philosophy and other departments in the School of the Arts, who are considering progressing to postgraduate study in the department of Philosophy.
There will be a short presentation to introduce the range of programmes on offer and you will have the opportunity to talk to staff from the Department, who will be on hand to answer your questions. Festive drinks and mince pies will be provided – please register for your place via Eventbrite.
We would be delighted if you could join us!
Warm Regards,
Department of Philosophy