News in Brief - November 2022

Featured News
Happy Birthday, Dr Daniel Hill!
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships at the School of Arts, University of Liverpool
Robin McKenna and Mikkel Gerken’s BA conference on ‘The Psychology and Epistemology of Political Cognition’ was a great success! It included a paper from Katherine Furman, “Beliefs, Values and Emotions: An interactive approach to distrust in science”
Rachael Wiseman’s Metaphysical Animals was on the NYT Best Books of 2022 list and has been shortlisted for the Historical Writers Association non-fiction prize. It was published this month in Dutch.
Yiota Vassilopoulou presented her paper, 'Self and Not-Self: Mary Midgley's Reading of Plotinus' at Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Platonism.
Robin McKenna took part in an “author meets critics” session for Mona Simion’s Shifty Speech and Independent Thought. The session was organised by the CONCEPT group at University of Cologne.
Liverpool will be hosting Eurovision 2023!
Forthcoming Events
We have two Stapledon Lectures in November. On 3rd November, in the SOTA library, Gregor Moder, University of Ljubljana, will speak on ‘The Monarch and The Master: Hegel and Shakespeare on Power’. On 17th November, online, Peter van Inwagen, University of Notre Dame / Duke, will speak on ‘Stapledon’s Star Maker: Metaphysical and Theological Reflections’. For the full programme this semester, see here.
The Aesthetics and Political Epistemology" conference, 19 – 21 June 2023, now has a website and a CFP.
Vid Simoniti, ‘What does art do? in Aeon
Vid Simonit, ‘The Paradox of Ecological art’ in The Biennial.
Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman, ‘Interrupting the conversation: Donald MacKinnon, wartime tutor of Anscombe, Midgley, Murdoch and Foot’ is in a special edition of the Journal of Philosophy of Education on the Wartime Quartet.