News in Brief - August 2022

Featured News
Go Higher and Beyond, by Rhys Jones
Richard Gaskin is giving a talk in September at a workshop on idealism in Berlin, entitled ‘“The harmony of thought and reality”: negation and linguistic idealism’.
Lizzy Ventham is having a busy summer! During June she visited The University of Duisburg-Essen as part of her postdoc project and to present her paper, ‘Empathising Online and Unconsicous Information’, at the project conference. She also gave a talk on ‘Empathy and Moral Worth’ at the annual EPSSE (European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions) conference in Graz and was invited to speak about ‘A Desire Theory of Empathy’ at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf. In July she gave two more talks!
‘No Fresh Air: The Real Problem with Echo Chambers’ (co-authored with Brian Carey) at the Society for Applied Philosophy conference in Edinburgh and Empathy and Moral Worth’ at the Joint Sessions in St Andrews.
Daniel Hill also presented a paper at the Joint Session at St Andrews: ‘Undercover Policing And “Dirty Hands”: The Case Of Legal Entrapment’ written with Steve McLeod, and Attila Tanyi. Daniel also presented the paper in June on-line at Atiner 2022 in Athens ( Earlier in the summer Daniel chaired the meeting of the Study Group in Philosophy of Religion of the Tyndale Fellowship at High Leigh, Hoddesdon.
Lizzy Ventham reviewed Christopher Woodard's 'Taking Utilitarianism Seriously' for Utilitas.
Richard Gaskin has a book forthcoming with Routledge, Othello and the Problem of Knowledge: Reading Shakespeare through Wittgenstein.
Future Events
Rachael Wiseman and Clare Mac Cumhaill are organising a conference: ‘Wartime Quartet: Significance, Legacy, Spirit’, at the St Aidan’s College, University of Durham, 7th-9th June 2023. The call for abstracts (for talks and poster presentations) is here (deadline 20 September 2022):