News in Brief – May 2022

Featured News
Final-year student Mathew Hagar, launched three fantastic guided meditations as part of his
SOTA300 work placement. They're designed to help students overcome anxiety about engaging in the academic & social sides of student life. Read more and download.
Michael Hauskeller was interviewed for ‘Philosophy Takes on the News’ podcast. Listen here.
Jack Symes was interviewed for Interalia Magazine on public philosophy and consciousness. His book – Philosophers on Consciousness – was reviewed by Tom Clark for Naturalism. Jack was also interviewed for the YouTube channel The Dissenter.
Forthcoming Events
Wed 4 May: Vid Simoniti will participate in a public discussion, ‘Sustainable Art for a Changing Climate’, to consider ways literature and the visual arts respond to the challenges of environmental crises. The event will be in the Paul Brett Lecture Theatre, Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, and live online, at 17.30. Tickets here:
The final meeting of department’s bi-weekly Stapledon colloquium is on 12 May. It will take place in the SOTA Library – full details are available on our events page.
12-May-22 Pauline Phemister (in person)
13-14 June: Robin McKenna is organising (with Mikkel Gerken) a workshop on the philosophy and psychology of political cognition. Contact Robin for more information
Clare Anscomb on how the act of drawing helps to mitigate against a sense of loss for Tracey.
Thomas Schramme on ‘Health Capital: introducing an evaluative framework to assess social policies’ for Lex-Atlas: Covid-19