News in Brief – April 2022

Featured News
The Mystery of Consciousness, will take place on Friday 20 May in the Tung Auditorium. Hosted by the team behind The Panpsycast, this event will feature Olly Marley in conversation with Rowan Williams, Jack Symes, Anil Seth, Laura Gow and Philip Goff. ‘The Mystery of Consciousness’ will also include an audience Q&A, live music, and author meet-and-greet. Register here.
The Philosophy Student Showcase took place. The event was organised by PhilSoc, under the leadership of President Jonny Mills. A news item will follow soon on the department website.
Jan Jobling contributed to a symposium at Virginia Theological Seminary on the work of emeritus Regius Professor of Divinity at University of Oxford, Canon Professor Keith Ward. The contributions will form part of an edited collection on the concept of God.
Jan Jobling has been awarded Faculty funding from the Beacon Project, established ‘to provide financial support to exciting new education projects and initiatives within the Faculty’. Jan will be working with students to evaluate Canvas sites and digital tools.
Rachael Wiseman was interviewed by Suzi Feay at the Oxford Literary Festival.
Robin McKenna spoke about ‘Medina on Epistemic Responsibility’ at the Johannesburg Epistemic Blame conference, 16-17 March.
Michael Hauskeller was interviewed for the Ministry of Ideas ‘Making Meaning’ series.
Lizzie Ventham got married.
Forthcoming Events
The department’s bi-weekly Stapledon colloquium continues. It takes place in the SOTA Library. This semester we have a mix of online and in person meetings – full details are available on our events page.
28-Apr-22 Anna Bergqvist (in person)
12-May-22 Pauline Phemister (in person)
Michael Hauskeller and Oliver Hallich have edited a special issue of The Journal of Value Inquiry on Benatar’s anti-natalism
Laura Gow’s ‘Empty Space, Silence and Absence’ is out now in Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Laura argues that experiences of empty space and silence are not absence experiences.
Jack Symes’s Philosophers on Consciousness: Talking about the Mind is out with Bloomsbury.
Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman’s Metaphysical Animals has been published in German by C. H. Beck