News in Brief – March 2022

Featured News
Visiting Artist: Jennifer Vanderpool
Rachael Wiseman and Clare Mac Cumhaill’s new book features as BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week.
Michael Hauskeller was interviewed by Jack Symes on The Panpsycast. The first instalment on ‘How to Become a Post-Dog’ is out now! And if you missed them, The Panpsycast also have episodes with Daniel Hill, Richard Gaskin, Thomas Schramme, Vid Simoniti, and Rachael Wiseman. Listen to them all here.
Jack Symes has been promoting his new book on several podcasts. Six episodes – with Embrace the Void, The Political Philosophy Podcast, The Independent Teacher Podcast, Open Door Philosophy, Walden Pod, and Seize the Moment – are already available, with interviews from The Dissenter and Philosophy vs. Improv on the way.
Jan Jobling and Nikos Gkogkias have been promoted to Senior Lecturer. Stephen McLeod has been promoted to Reader. Congratulations all!
Simon Hailwood has been made a member of the Higher Education Academy.
Forthcoming Events
The PhilSoc Philosophy Showcase will take place on Wednesday 23 March, 1.30pm-5pm, in Teaching Hub 502. There is still space for students on PHIL306, HASS301, PHIL311, SOTA300 and PHIL706 to enter a Poster Presentation. Details via canvas, PhilSoc Facebook, or email Rachael Wiseman. Please encourage your students to sign up!
Tickets for The Mystery of Consciousness, hosted by Jack Symes on 20 May, are available. Laura Gow will be speaking alongside Rowan Williams, Anil Seth, and Philip Goff.
The department’s bi-weekly Stapledon colloquium continues. It takes place in the SOTA Library. This semester we have a mix of online and in person meetings – full details are available on our events page.
10-Mar-22 Anna Alexandrova (online)
24-Mar-22 Aaron Meskin (online)
28-Apr-22 Anna Bergqvist (in person)
12-May-22 Pauline Phemister (in person)
Richard Gaskin’s edited collection on linguistic idealism is under contract with OUP. Contributors are: Hanne Appelqvist, Tim Button, John Collins, Matti Eklund, Richard Gaskin, Adrian Haddock, Thomas Hofweber, Silvia Jonas, John and Lorraine Keller, Friederike Moltmann, Michael Morris, William Stirton, Chon Tejedor, and Bernhard Weiss.
Jack Symes’s, Philosophers on Consciousness: Talking about the Mind, is out now.
Rachael Wiseman and Clare Mac Cumhaill’s Metaphysical Animals: How Four Women Bought Philosophy Back to Life, is out now.
Michael Hauskeller’s ‘Antinatalism, Pollyannaism, and Asymmetry: A Defence of Cheery Optimism’ is out now in the Journal of Value Inquiry.