News in Brief – January 2022

Featured News
The Panpsycast Collaboration: Philosophy and the Future
Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman’s Metaphysical Animals – out in February – featured in the Financial Times’ ‘Books to Read in 2022’ list.
Upcoming Events
Rachael Wiseman is speaking at the Aristotelian Society this month, on ‘Wittgenstein, Anscombe and the Need for Metaphysical Thinking’.
Daniel Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi’s ‘Entrapment, temptation and virtue testing’ is out now in Philosophical Studies.
Richard Gaskin’s ‘Future Contingency and Classical Indeterminism’ is out now in Erkenntnis. Richard also has a paper in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 111, ‘On being pessimistic about the end of the Aeneid’, is in
Thomas Schramme has two papers out this month. ‘The Quantitative Problem for Theories of Dysfunction and Disease’ has been published in the European Journal of Analytic Philosophy. A chapter on “Determining Oneself and Determining One’s Self” is in the collection Thick (Concepts of) Autonomy: Personal Autonomy in Ethics and Bioethics, edited by James Childress and Michael Quante (Springer).