The Panpsycast Collaboration: Philosophy and the Future

We are pleased to announce that The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast will be producing a series of collaborative episodes in association with Liverpool’s Department of Philosophy.
The collaborative series will consist of five episodes on the Department’s Philosophy and the Future Project – exploring the ethical, political, social, metaphysical and spiritual implications of climate change, technological and scientific developments, and emerging forms of social and political interaction. Set to be released throughout 2022, each episode will feature guest appearances from the project’s researchers.
The Panpsycast – produced by PhD researcher Jack Symes – is a bi-weekly philosophy podcast for students, teachers, and the wider public. The show has over 70,000 regular listeners, making it one of the most popular higher education podcasts worldwide.
The first episode in the series – Episode 103, ‘Nudges’ with Thomas Schramme – is now available on all major audio platforms (iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn, Google Play), and listeners can submit questions for the show’s future guests via the show’s website.