Philosophy student testimonials about the use of academic support and feedback hours
![Philosophy student feedback](/media/livacuk/schoolofthearts/images/philosophy/philosophy,feedback,news.jpg)
‘I thought I would share my experience of popping along to the Feedback Hours. I find the opportunity to chat informally about the course and how I am navigating the subject invaluable. The discussions can be wide ranging from clarification on points or terms arising from lectures, to general views and, of course, essay topics. I have asked some very basic questions (and I mean really basic) of the lecturers and on every occasion the explanations have been thorough, understandable and delivered with great patience. In addition, you get to know the lecturers and feel as though you are part of a University community, not just attending a course. Try it.’
‘I had a question about the assignment I was working on so I decided to go and see my module leader during her virtual office hours, which I found really helpful as I had a list of questions that I wanted to ask and discuss; I was able to get a more detailed answer than I would over email and was encouraged that I was on the right path! I found it really valuable actually speaking to someone rather than it being through email.’
‘I would highly recommend using office hours with the Philosophy Department, although I didn't want to at first because I tend to not speak much in Zoom seminars; it was really helpful when I had a short meeting with my tutor during his office hours as it meant I had a solid amount of time to ask any questions I had. Using office hours adds a bit more normality even when Uni is entirely online. I think now more than ever it is important to reach out to your academic advisors and seminar leaders in their office hours, and they are always happy to help.’
‘I was struggling with trying to adjust to studying from home and fell behind in a module I already found difficult; using the academic support and feedback hours I managed to catch up while also gaining an understanding of future content.’
‘I have used access to staff via feedback hours on more than one occasion. It always delivered something valuable, even if slightly different than I expected, and something more than I would have hoped. It may feel a bit awkward at the start because knocking on a virtual door is somehow more daunting than doing so on a physical one, but the quality of interaction is not affected. These are the things I found useful: the mere fact of having to explain or clarify a doubt or a problem to someone who knows the context of the course, the university and the subject in depth forced me to be clear and specific. Invariably I was given a reply that put things in the relevant context. I got some useful practical tips (an author may have presented a key idea later expanded in an unobtainable book in an earlier and more concise article that is easier to get), directions to significant authors I had not heard about and, most valuable aspect for me, personalised comments on my contribution, help on how to get a grip on the differences in thinking and writing as you do in non-humanity subjects (science and industry) and doing so in philosophy, and encouragement to continue doing what I was doing well.’